
Alveda King Rejects Left's Claims: 'President Trump Is Not a Racist'


Alveda King, the niece of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., said in an interview Thursday that President Donald Trump is not a racist.

King’s comments come as multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, have called Trump a white supremacist in recent days, as Axios noted.

But King, a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” that such characterizations could not be further from the truth.

“President Trump is not a racist,” King said.

“I’ve had the experience of going head to head with genuine racists,” she said.

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As for those who say otherwise, King said she’d like to ask them if they’ve “ever met a real racist.”

“President Trump has said, ‘We all bleed the same,’ he’s very clear on that, and he has done so much for all Americans, including African-Americans,” King said.

Do you believe President Trump is a racist?

Instead of name-calling, King said, those on both sides of the political aisle need to “look for solutions” together.

“What President Trump and first lady Melania did was to go down and look for solutions,” she said, referring to the Trumps’ visits to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the aftermath of mass shootings in those cities over the weekend. “We have to overcome evil with good.”

“When people call each other racist, we are one blood,” she said. “One human race, different ethnicities — we’re not color blind, we can see, but that is for the purpose of appreciating each other, and we have to do that.”

King also pointed out the hypocrisy of liberals who call Trump a racist while at the same time supporting abortion.

“A lot of those calling Trump a racist and white supremacist, most of them support killing in a very brutal way called abortion,” she said. “The youngest, the weakest the most beautiful of us killing them in the womb. How immoral is that?”

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Despite being accused of racism on a regular basis, the president has made a point of condemning white supremacy.

“In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy,” the president said in a speech Monday following the mass shootings.

“These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul,” Trump added, according to a White House transcript of his remarks.

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Joe Setyon was a deputy managing editor for The Western Journal who had spent his entire professional career in editing and reporting. He previously worked in Washington, D.C., as an assistant editor/reporter for Reason magazine.
Joe Setyon was deputy managing editor for The Western Journal with several years of copy editing and reporting experience. He graduated with a degree in communication studies from Grove City College, where he served as managing editor of the student-run newspaper. Joe previously worked as an assistant editor/reporter for Reason magazine, a libertarian publication in Washington, D.C., where he covered politics and wrote about government waste and abuse.
Brooklyn, New York
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