
Two Dead, 14 Others Wounded in Minibus Explosion


A minibus exploded in a mostly Shiite Muslim neighborhood in Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul, killing at least two civilians and wounding 14 others, a Taliban official said Saturday.

It is the first attack in the country in 2024.

Police spokesman Khalid Zadran said the explosion happened in the western part of the city, in the Dashti Barchi area. Police launched an investigation, he said.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Islamic State group’s affiliate in the region has targeted Shiite schools, hospitals and mosques in the same area in the past.

In November, also in the same area of Kabul, the Islamic State (IS) group claimed responsibility for a minibus explosion in which seven people were killed and 20 others were wounded.

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On Oct. 26, four people were killed and seven were wounded when an explosion hit a sports club in the same neighborhood. IS also claimed responsibility for that attack.

Taliban Defense Minister Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid said last week there was a 90% decrease in attacks by the IS affiliate in the past year.

The IS affiliate has been a major rival of the Taliban since the latter seized control of Afghanistan in August 2021.

IS militants have struck in Kabul and in northern provinces, often targeting Shiites, whom the Islamic State considers to be apostates.

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