
Antifa Reportedly Preparing Acid Attacks to Blind Their Enemies


On June 29 at a large protest in Portland, Oregon, the thugs who make up the ranks of Antifa did what they do best — attack and injure innocent civilians for no apparent reason whatsoever.

And, according to Law Enforcement Today, they’re ready for round two at an upcoming July 6 free speech rally hosted by the far-right “Proud Boys” organization set to take place in Washington D.C. But this time, they’re reportedly preparing to take their attacks to the next level by weaponizing acid.

Apparently, a member of Antifa by the name of “Pound On Your Boy” posted a disturbing message on what Law Enforcement Today reported was a right-wing Telegram channel, which is a cloud-based messenger and voice-over IP app.

“We already have the Muriatic acid, wax, and balloons,” the Antifa member reportedly posted.

The leader of Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, reportedly contacted the FBI after seeing the proposed attack method.

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“It starts with milk shakes, then it escalates to what happened to Andy Ngo, and now they’re threatening us with acid attacks,” Tarrio said.

Tarrio told Big League Politics that despite the acid attack threats, the rally will go on as planned.

“We will not be intimidated with these tactics of fear and fascism. We will celebrate our First Amendment without apology,” Tarrio added.

If the threats hold true, the situation could result in multiple serious injuries, as Muriatic acid is dangerous by itself, but it can be washed off. However, combining the acid with wax would make it stick on victims’ bodies, presumably causing greater harm to the victim.

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Big League politics posted a screenshot of the threatening messages from “Pound On Your Boy,” which went on to indicate that he wants to do maximum damage with the acid weapons.

“I just want to toss as many balloons of Muriatic acid in the faces as many Proud Boys I can,” he reportedly posted.

A quick google search of “muriatic acid” indicated that it’s a relatively cheap and easy acid to purchase, both online and in stores like Home Depot and Lowes — or any swimming pool store.

Despite a documented history of committing violence against innocent American citizens, Antifa is still not considered a terrorist group. And as we saw in Portland, police didn’t appear to be as proactive in stopping them as many would have liked.

Antifa attacked an elderly man and a good Samaritan who came to his aid was assaulted with a crowbar, according to Fox News. Conservative journalist Andy Ngo was also brutally attacked at the event.

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The violence and lack of control at the rally prompted Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to weigh in on the matter. In a tweet, he called for an investigation into Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and accused him of allowing “domestic terrorists” to attack U.S. citizens.

If Antifa was classified as a domestic terrorist group or any similar designation, perhaps that would allow local, state and federal law enforcement to take extra precautions at organized events that might draw them out. At this point, anything extra that law enforcement can do to prevent further violence would be a step up.

Of course, we can’t know what will transpire at the upcoming rally in D.C. or if the acid threats are serious, but given Antifa’s history of violence, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to prepare for the worst.

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Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
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