
AOC Tries Pushing Fake Narrative with Doctored Quote, Reporter Buries Her with Scathing-Fact Check


Recall that it was only about two months ago when Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushed back against fact-checkers by complaining that everyone was too fixated on politicians “being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”

Well, once again, the self-proclaimed democratic socialist from the Bronx has eschewed precise facts, as well as context, in order to push an agenda that she claims is “morally right” … except this time she got called out on her inaccuracies and proven to be pressing a false agenda by an astute reporter.

Ocasio-Cortez posted to Twitter on Tuesday morning a mangled, out of context and purposefully cut-off quote from a speech delivered by Jerry Falwell Jr., which she deemed to be “Islamophobic” and falsely claimed had been uttered at the recently concluded Conservative Political Action Conference.

Partially quoting Falwell, the factually incorrect congresswoman wrote, “‘I always thought that if more good people had concealed carry permits, then we could end these Muslims before they (unintelligible).’ This was just this weekend at CPAC, the conference attended by the President and members, to 1000s. Where’s the resolution against Islamophobia?”

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The question about a “resolution against Islamophobia” was in reference to a purported House resolution against anti-Semitism, which has been proposed due to the repeated anti-Semitic remarks uttered by Ocasio-Cortez’s friend and fellow freshman Democratic congresswoman, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Ocasio-Cortez linked to a post from Bishop Talbert Swan, who wrote, “.@JerryFalwellJr threatened to shoot @AOC if she tried to ‘take his cows’ during #CPAC. Here he threatens to kill Muslims: ‘…if more good people had concealed carry permits, we could end those Muslims…’ But I’m spreading hate 4 condemning racism…”

Except, Falwell’s remark wasn’t Islamophobic or about murdering random Muslims, nor was it said at CPAC.

Do you think the media allow Ocasio-Cortez to get away with saying inaccurate things?

It was, instead, in reference to concealed carriers taking out radical Islamic jihadists engaged in acts of terrorism, and had been delivered during an invocation speech at Liberty University in 2015, around the time of the San Bernadino terrorist attack.

Those actual facts were duly noted by Ryan Saavedra, reporter for The Daily Wire, who tweeted at Ocasio-Cortez, “This is so dishonest.”

“@AOC intentionally cut out the rest of the quote & said it was ‘[unintelligible]’ because it gave away the context,” Saavedra continued. “Falwell said: ‘before they walked in & killed them’ Falwell was talking about shooting terrorists that killed 14 Americans in San Bernardino”

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Indeed, as can be seen in a slightly longer clip the actual 2015 speech, Ocasio-Cortez was not only “precisely, factually and semantically” incorrect, she wasn’t even morally correct, as she deliberately twisted and took out of context a clearly spoken statement to instead push a false narrative that furthers her own divisive agenda.

Speaking about then-President Barack Obama’s reflexive turn to gun control after mass shootings and terror attacks, Falwell spoke of how concealed carriers like himself could fight back against active shooters and murderous jihadists.

“I’ve always thought that if more good people had concealed carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before — before they walk in and kill them,” said Falwell. “So I just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course … and let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.”

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez attempted to pull a fast one by purposefully misquoting Falwell to try and paint all conservatives and Republicans as crazy gun-toting Islamophobic and racist jerks who would gleefully murder somebody over their race or religion, which of course is not the case at all.

At least she got called out on her inaccuracies, again, though it is doubtful that she will learn any sort of lesson from fact-checking education she just received.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
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