
Legal Immigrant Running for House Crushes Every Single Objection to Trump's Wall


The liberal media has, since the very day Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, run with a narrative that he is a bigoted, racist xenophobe who absolutely hates all immigrants, and they want the rest of America to believe that the feeling among immigrants is most certainly mutual.

But it’s clear to anybody who has listened to candidate-turned-President Trump speak that he doesn’t hate immigrants at all; he merely stands in staunch opposition to the lax enforcement of our nation’s border and immigration laws that allow immigrants to illegally enter the country alongside criminals, drugs and even terrorists.

Anybody taking the time to speak with and listen to Trump’s legion of supporters also soon will realize that he has quite a few legal immigrants who fully support him, particularly when it comes to his firm stance on border security and illegal immigration.

One of those is conservative Hollywood actor and California congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr., who legally immigrated to America from Italy with his family in 1985 and who now is calling for tough border security measures that includes a border wall, according to The Daily Caller.

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In the video interview released by The Daily Caller, Sabato said, “I came to the United States as a legal immigrant, and I’m proud of that. More than ever, we need a wall. A big wall with a nice open door. Come here legally.”

“First of all, we have to have immigration reform as soon as possible. We need to start protecting the American people. We need to put America and Americans first,” he continued.

“You know, with human trafficking, drug trafficking and so much more coming into our country, we need to protect the United States, and I believe that this is the right time to build a nice wall that’s going to protect the American people,” he added.

Sabato proceeded to explain how the U.S. government spends roughly $120 billion in taxpayer money every year on immigration-related costs, and California alone spends about $26 billion on immigration every year as well.

Would you vote for Antonio Sabato Jr.?

“We can use that money and spend it on homelessness, we can spend it on our veterans, and we can certainly spend it on a wall that is going to protect the American people and save our money, our taxpayer money. The American people deserve more,” Sabato said.

The outspoken conservative decried the fact that our nation has essentially had “open borders” for quite some time and lamented how American citizens have paid the costs for that not only with taxpayer money, but also with lives lost to criminal illegal aliens. That problem can be solved simply with a border wall.

As for how the wall could be paid for, Sabato reiterated that America already spends plenty of money on immigration-related expenses and the savings to California alone in one year would be more than enough to fund a wall.

Unfortunately, there are bureaucrats, elected establishment officials and special interest groups who favor “open borders” and staunchly obstruct any such efforts to secure funding, hence the need for more Trump supporters like him who favor a border wall being elected to Congress.

Sabato also revealed that he doesn’t fully understand why many on the left refuse to help secure and defend our nation, or call for the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which in Sabato’s view is “doing an amazing job” helping to enforce the laws of the country.

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“At the end of the day, can we just put Americans first and not the party or colors or gender or whatever? This is one America, one people,” he concluded.

Sabato has been a supporter of Trump since the beginning, and now he wants to join the president in Washington as the representative of California’s 26th District so he can help implement the Make America Great Again agenda that most certainly includes a big, beautiful border wall with an open door and welcome mat for the immigrants who wish to enter the country legally.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
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