
Meghan McCain Calls Out Stormy Daniels Right to Her Face on Live TV


Maybe Meghan McCain could teach the mainstream media a few things.

As a co-host on ABC’s “The View,” the daughter of Sen. John McCain tends to offer a counterweight to the liberal line constantly being offered by the likes of Joy Behar, but her questioning Tuesday of porn star Stormy Daniels cut to the chase a little sharper than usual.

And it was the question that most of America has been thinking since Stormy hit the stage.

The moment came early in a lengthy Daniels interview and related to the adult film actress’ appearance at a court hearing Monday in Manhattan in the case of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

As the New York Post described it, it wasn’t exactly a sedate affair, as Daniels and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, put on quite a show for the federal court crowd:

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“Porn star Stormy Daniels tripped and nearly fell in a pair of towering black strappy stilettos as she was swarmed by dozens of photographers outside Manhattan federal court Monday …

“She turned heads as she entered the courtroom and took a seat in the galley.”

That sounds just a little like someone who’s trying to be noticed. And if the harridans on “The View” like Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg didn’t want to bring it up, McCain certainly did.

“It seems like a publicity stunt on some level,” McCain said.

“I mean, I think yesterday, because you didn’t have anything to do with the case, it seemed a little like you were just trying to get attention, which I understand that you’re being sued by our president, but it does seem like you’re benefiting a lot …

“You’re going on your ‘Make America Horny Again’ tour. I’m sure you’re making a lot of money, no disrespect,” she said. “I hadn’t heard your name until all this had happened and now you’re literally live on ‘The View’ giving an entire interview with us. So, it has been beneficial for your career.”

Do you think Stormy Daniels is doing this for the publicity?
Well, yes, most people would say it’s been beneficial to the career of the porn star, who was known as Stephanie Clifford before she made it big having sex on the screen.

It’s a pretty good bet that the overwhelming majority of Americans had — like McCain — never heard the name “Stormy Daniels” before, and could happily have lived the rest of their lives never having known she’s been in classics of American cinema like “Sex Door Neighbors.”

And even though Daniels’ response was aimed at tugging the heart strings of “The View’s” predominantly female audience by playing the “poor working mother” card (and saying “Make America Horny Again” wasn’t her idea for a slogan), McCain’s question hit the nail on the head. Put into context, it amounted to this:

How much of Daniels’ twisting story about an alleged one-night stand with Donald Trump more than a decade ago is about the truth? And how much is really aimed at raking in big bucks for a woman who, at 39, is nearing the end of her shelf life as a sexual entertainer?

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It was as politely phrased as anyone could ask, but McCain’s question amounted to a call-out on national television for a woman who’s not used to getting grilled these days by adolescent reporters who are delighted with the opportunity to talk about subjects like sex and “black, strappy stilettos” while still attacking a president they despise.

It was a lesson the mainstream media might want to learn.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
