
Trump Humiliates Acosta Again as Campaign Ad Turns Out To Be Prophetic


President Donald Trump held a lengthy news conference on the day after the midterm elections, one that was marred by a confrontation with an argumentative Jim Acosta, chief White House correspondent for CNN. The incident resulted in Acosta’s “hard pass” to enter the White House being temporarily revoked.

At issue was Acosta’s combative “challenge” to the president — Acosta literally began his question by saying, “I want to challenge you …” — over Trump’s pre-election focus on the Central American migrant caravan headed through Mexico toward the U.S. southern border, specifically a campaign ad featuring clips of the caravan in unruly moments, such as breaching the southern border of Mexico.

Arguing over whether the caravan could be considered an “invasion” or not, Acosta essentially accused Trump of having “demonized immigrants” with the campaign ad.

“But your campaign ad showing migrants climbing over walls, and so on …,” Acosta said, as if such actions had never occurred.

Trump replied, “Well, that’s true. They weren’t actors. Do you think they were actors? They weren’t actors. They didn’t come from Hollywood. These were people — this was an actual, you know, it happened a few days ago.”

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While Acosta continued to argue with Trump, a small tussle broke out when an intern attempted to retrieve the microphone from the opinionated “journalist,” and a media uproar ensued.

However, as has been the case before, Acosta was proven wrong and Trump was proven right.

Acosta dismissed Trump’s portrayal of migrants scaling border fences in the campaign ad, but that portrayal has since proved prophetic. Such a scene literally played out on the U.S. border on Tuesday, less than one week after Acosta and Trump butted heads over it.

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KSWB in San Diego reported that migrants on the Mexican side of the border were spotted climbing and sitting atop the fence along the border. Some of those people were believed to be part of a first wave of migrants from the caravan that had arrived in Tijuana earlier that day.

There was no massive breach of the barrier or flood of migrants pouring over the top, largely because the area was heavily patrolled by U.S. Border Patrol agents in trucks, on foot, on four-wheelers, on horseback and even in a helicopter overhead.

There were reportedly a few who hopped over the top or crawled through small openings on the ground, but they quickly retreated to the Mexican side as soon as agents began to approach them.

Greg Boldner, an eyewitness on the American side of the border, told the TV station that he was somewhat entertained by what he had witnessed.

“I was very surprised how many people are here and how many different officials are here,” Boldner said. “It seems like there’s something going on. It’s not normal to have this many resources tied up, all these vehicles, saw armored car coming down the road. It just seemed more than just an average day.”

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In a statement provided to the Washington Examiner, Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Katie Waldman said, “As we have said repeatedly, being a member of a caravan doesn’t give you any special rights to enter the country.”

“If they arrive at a port of entry, they will have to wait in line in keeping with the lawful processes at our ports of entry,” she added. “If they attempt to enter illegally, they will have violated U.S. criminal law and in accordance with the president’s proclamation and the Interim Final Rule, they would be ineligible for asylum.”

Acosta, among many others in the mainstream media, attempted to dismiss Trump’s concerns about the approaching migrant caravan as baseless fear-mongering and racist rhetoric to fire up the base prior to the midterm elections.

But as can be clearly seen, Trump’s warning about the imminent arrival of the migrants was actually quite prescient, a turn of events that should prove to be humiliating to Acosta and his ilk as they have once again been proven wrong in their efforts to disparage the president and paint him as a bigoted liar.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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