
Governor Makes Infernal Slip While Thanking Abortion Providers


Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker was bashed on social media for making an unbelievably tone-deaf gaffe while praising baby killers.

“Today is Abortion Providers Appreciation Day,” Pritzker wrote Sunday on the social media platform X. “Thank you to the doctors, nurses, clinic staff & volunteers who help those in need, treating their patients with dignity and compassion.”

“You’re on the front lines of this fight & we appreciate the sacrifices you make & all you do,” he said in his fawning lionization of those who kill unborn babies.

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The Democrat was torched for his callous suggestion that it’s the baby killers who are making the “sacrifices” when they perform abortions.

For some commenters, Pritzer’s use of the word was a slip that held connotations of child sacrifice on altars to evil — betraying the sinister mindset of the abortion mentality.

“They make sacrifices all right…,” one X commenter quipped sarcastically.

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“Today is murderers awareness day,” one commenter wrote.

Another X user observed that the “pro-choice movement went from ‘abortion should be safe, legal, and rare’ to an outright celebration of abortion. This is grotesque.'”

The leftists’ callous glorification of murdering babies on demand shows just how warped their devolution has become.

The real “sacrifices” are the human sacrifices that are made at the altar of left-wing extremism — namely, the unborn babies who are mercilessly ripped from their mom’s wombs.

Democrats’ attitude toward abortion is now so flippant that many think of it as birth control and not as a serious medical procedure with profound emotional and ethical implications.

Indeed, abortion fans have so little regard for human life that they blithely ignore scientific consensus that life begins at conception.

According to a 2018 study titled “Biologists’ Consensus on ‘When Life Begins,’” available in the electronic library SSRN, a whopping 95 percent of biologists agree that life begins at fertilization.

In the study, Steven Jacobs, an abortion researcher at the University of Chicago’s Department of Comparative Human Development surveyed 5,502 biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world.

The research sample included scientists who were born in 86 different countries.

“Overall, 95% of biologists affirmed the biological view that a human’s life begins at fertilization (5212 out of 5502),” the study reported.

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This finding is especially striking because the majority of the respondents — 63 percent — said they were “non-religious.”

In addition, the sample was made up of “more liberals (89%) than conservatives (11%), Democrats (92%) than Republicans (8%), and pro-choice supporters (85%) than pro-life supporters (15%).”

Whatever your views on abortion, the classless cheerleading of mass infanticide by anti-life Democrats such as JB Pritzker is downright shameful.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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