
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized After Suffering Injury in Fall


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized after tests show that she suffered three broken ribs in a fall.

The 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice fell in her office on Thursday but was feeling discomfort overnight.

A release by the Court on Thursday said that after the fall, “She went home, but after experiencing discomfort overnight, went to George Washington University Hospital early this morning.

“Tests showed that she fractured three ribs on her left side and she was admitted for observation and treatment.”

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The Court gave no additional details but said it would provide updates as they become available.

This isn’t the first time Ginsburg has suffered broken ribs. The Associated Press points out that the Supreme Court Justice broke two ribs in 2012.

Ginsburg has been plagued with other health problems as well, including two prior bouts with cancer. In 2014, she had a stent put in to open a blocked artery.

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Additionally, Ginsburg was hospitalized in 2009 after she had a bad reaction to some medicine.

While her health has been the topic of speculation, Ginsburg has hired clerks for the term that extends to 2020. This move points to her not retiring any time soon.

The AP also notes that Ginsburg rebuffed Democrats advice to retire during the first two years of President Barack Obama’s second term.

The Democrats held the Senate at the time and could have easily confirmed a new Supreme Court Justice to take her place.

Despite her absence, the Court is expected to have a welcoming ceremony for newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with President Donald Trump and  Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker expected to be in attendance.

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On Thursday, Franklin Graham asked everyone to pray for the Supreme Court Justice.

Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

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Steven is a former writer for The Western Journal and has written hundreds of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. He is a follower of Jesus, husband to an amazing wife and father to two beautiful girls.
Steven is a former writer for the Western Journal and has written dozens of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. Steven is a native of Louisiana but has transferred to a remote desert land often referred to as Arizona. He has a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters. You can often find him hiking the Arizona landscape or serving on the worship team at his church.
Shreveport, LA
B.S. Church Ministries with a specialization in Church Planting and Revitalization
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