
US Attorneys Investigating McCabe Will Have More Impact than Mueller


Now, everyone has their own prosecutor. For the left, there is Robert Mueller. For the right, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. Which investigation will prove more potent and powerful?

My money is on the U.S. attorney.

Mueller has run into a wall and, unless he can get his hands on President Trump to testify in person before him, he’s not likely to get any traction. The newly released Comey memos make clear that he has no evidence of Trump obstructing justice and all Mueller seems to be able to do is open new investigations piled upon those that have borne no fruit.

Instead of investigating Trump for collusion with the Russians, he went after Paul Manafort. Then he pursued the obstruction of justice angle against Trump. Now he is going after Trump attorney Michael Cohen and his handling of payoffs to Stormy Daniels and others. Each investigation seems to end in either nothing or in a prosecution of somebody not named Trump.

But the U.S. attorney may have a far more fruitful time investigating Andrew McCabe and his cronies at the Justice Department.

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The McCabe probe will reveal the various machinations President Obama and Hillary Clinton to dismiss the charges that she violated national security by her use of a private server.

It will implicate much of the top level of the FBI and the DOJ — including Assistant Attorney General Bruce Ohr, his wife, and the most famous illicit lovers since Romeo and Juliet — Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.

It may lead to a denouement of Mueller’s efforts, as FBI head, to stop the Russian spy conspiracy to buy Uranium from getting out and his efforts to keep the investigation away from Hillary.

It will show the hoops former Attorney General Loretta Lynch jumped through to hide from the public the fact that Clinton was herself under investigation over the emails.

Do you think the investigation into Andrew McCabe will yield more than the Russia investigation?

The U.S. attorney will also have to investigate when McCabe knew about the new batch of Clinton emails, stored on Anthony Weiner’s computer and whether he tried to hide them before the election.

It will elaborate for us how Comey’s pre-election statements were measured as to how they would impact the polls.

It will substantiate the roll the dossier played in getting FISA warrants to spy on Trump associates, and show when Comey knew the dossier was paid for by Hillary and why he did not tell the president.

The FBI, under Mueller and Comey, was a sewer where the effluent of partisanship polluted the supposed purity of the nominally a-political FBI.

The deeper the U.S. Attorneys dig, the more they will find.

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By contrast, over the spring and summer, Mueller’s investigation will likely meander into byways producing little evidence about collusion with Russia. Not much there.

Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
