
Watch: Reporter's Question Stops Biden in His Tracks, Causes Him to Yell 'Where Are You from, Man?'


President Joe Biden continues to struggle any time he interacts with anyone not throwing him softball questions.

As he left the White House on Friday, a reporter questioned the commander-in-chief, which prompted a confusing exchange between the two.

“Did you threaten to stop military aid to Israel?” the reporter asked, referring to recent exchanges between the United States and Israel where the president pushed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take extra measures to protect civilians, per PBS.

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“I asked them to do what they’re doing,” Biden responded before turning and walking away.

The reporter wasn’t quite satisfied with the answer from the president, pushing further by asking if he was “abandoning Israel?”

“Where are you from man?” Biden questioned back, denying the validity of the reporter’s inquiries.

Undeterred, the journalist asked once again if Biden was abandoning the Middle Eastern country.

Is Biden fit for office?

“Is that a serious question?” he asked before ultimately leaving without answering.

It’s unclear what Biden was thinking when he asked where the reporter was from. Perhaps the thick British accent piqued his interest or the president simply found the question un-American.

As the PBS article laid out, this is the first time Biden has pushed this intensely for a cease-fire within the region.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also stated that the priority for America within Gaza is no longer fighting Hamas but instead protecting civilians and providing aid to those in need.

The United States is expecting Israel to make way for support to be given to Gaza residents and ignore the reality of giving Hamas time to recoup.

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So why Biden would snap at a reporter asking a very relevant question is odd.

Is he upset that his demands of Israel aren’t working out the way he wanted? Is he concerned that public perception surrounding his administration’s handling of the conflict in Gaza is shifting against him?

Has he finally realized that he won’t be able to make the pro-Palestine liberals in his party happy while appeasing the wants of the Israeli government?

Whatever the reason is — it’s showing.

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