
Mom of Chiefs Fan Who Froze in Friend's Backyard Slams Investigation - 'There Should Be Some Charges'


The mother of one of three Kansas City Chiefs fans who were found frozen to death in January says it is time for some justice.

David Harrington; Clayton McGeeney, and Ricky Johnson were found dead on Jan. 9 at the home of Jordan Willis, a friend. The three had gone to Willis’s house Jan. 7 to watch the Chiefs game against the Los Angeles Chargers. Reports have said THC, cocaine and lethal levels of fentanyl were found in their systems.

“There’s no information being released, even though the police are still working, from my understanding on the case,” Jennifer Marquez, Harrington’s mother, said, according to Fox News.

“My wishes are that the person or persons responsible for providing the substance that caused the deaths of Ricky, Clayton and my son David are brought to justice,” Marquez said.

“If you have a party and serve too much alcohol and someone drives away from your house and has a wreck and kills themselves or others, you can be charged with overserving. He had a party and three people died — he should have charges brought against him” she said, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

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“I believe Jordan still has a lot to answer for — I believe there should be some charges,” she said, according to the New York Post.

“Jordan [is] just going on with his life, while the rest of us are having to deal with the loss of family members,” she said.

“Was his computer checked to see if he had been on it at any time in the two days that he didn’t answer… and never received any text or anything from family or friends of the men or even his work? You would think he checked on his work so he wouldn’t be in trouble or behind and that would prove he lied about not knowing [the men were dead or dying in his backyard],” she said.

Autopsy results showed the men’s bodies contained THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, cocaine and fentanyl.

She is not alone in wanting closure.

Ricky Johnson Sr., Johnson’s father, told Fox he believes the Kansas City Police Department drug task force is now investigating the case.

“I think they need to arrest the guy [Willis] and get him to talk,” he said, according to Fox. “My attorney told me to give more time [for police] to finish the investigation — [I’m] not pleased, but I’ll wait a little longer.”

Fox News quoted a source close to Willis as downplaying the statements as “just more speculation from upset parents looking to point fingers” and “not based on any proven facts.”

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“The families do deserve answers and we all share the frustration on how long it’s taking for everyone to have those answers,” the source said.

“I understand that they have suffered a huge loss — however, there has been absolutely no evidence presented at this point showing that Jordan was in any way responsible for the deaths of his friends, or that he knew they were deceased … before police showed up,” the source said.

“Even if he did log into his computer or even if he got up briefly … that doesn’t automatically mean he knew they were outside, especially not on a day when it snowed heavily,” the source said, adding that family members should “accept the possibility that their sons participated in behavior that cost them their lives.”

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Police said they have no updates on the case but insisted again that foul play is not suspected.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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