
AOC Finally Cracks: Announces GOP Has Taken Control of Congress - It's 'Just Extraordinarily Upsetting'


New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falsely claimed that Democrats lost the House majority during virtual town hall Thursday evening.

A constituent asked Ocasio-Cortez about her thoughts on Democrats shrinking their majority in the House and expressed her frustration.

“Why did we lose so many seats, and what needs to be done to get them back next term?” the moderator asked on behalf on the constituent.

“So, you know, of course, the loss of the House majority is just extraordinarily upsetting to all of us. It’s upsetting to all of us who are invested in having a Democratic majority so that we can expand health care, so that we can raise wages, so that we can protect working people,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

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While the Democrats are still going to retain a narrow majority, her anger is no surprise.

According to the Associated Press, Republicans have gained 7 seats and counting and Democrats have lost 6.

This went against earlier predictions from Cook Political Report, which expected Democrats to gain over 10 seats.

FiveThirtyEight and others are now projecting that Republicans will win the majority in the 2022 midterms, especially with a Biden administration in the White House.

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House Democrats in competitive districts are also fuming about the losses, as Republicans used Ocasio-Cortez and the “Squad” in campaign messaging as poster children for the far-left.

Michigan Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin criticized her own party for catering to people like Ocasio-Cortez, and recently called for more moderate, Midwestern leadership.

“For me, I’m a Midwesterner so I want to see more Midwesterners in leadership. I think part of the reason why when I’m out in my swing district trying to convince people that they should consider the Democratic Party they look around and they don’t know who are the representatives at the senior level? Are they from my part of the country?” Slotkin said in an interview last week.

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Slotkin is not the only moderate Democrat with hard feelings towards coastal Democrats in safe Democratic districts.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a deeply Republican state, raised his concern about radical solutions being promoted in the Democratic Party.

“I’m a West Virginia Democrat. And it’s all about, do you have an opportunity to take care of yourself and your family in the best fashion?” Manchin expressed in a MSNBC interview Saturday.

His comments come just days after Ocasio-Cortez went viral for posting a photo of her glaring at Manchin at the State of the Union. It was intended to show her disagreement about Manchin’s views about socialism and defunding the police.

Slotkin, Manchin, and many others are worried that their party has been hijacked by radicals who are at no risk of losing their seats in the near future. They recognize that Republicans took advantage of the up-and-coming leftist faction and used it against them.

The only saving grace for Democrats is to stop giving a voice to those pushing an unrealistic agenda and start working with those across the aisle to achieve solutions with broad appeal.

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Cameron Arcand is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Cameron Arcand is a political commentator based in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2017 as a school project, he founded, which has grown exponentially since its founding. He has interviewed several notable conservative figures, including Dave Rubin, Peggy Grande and Madison Cawthorn.

In September 2020, Cameron joined The Western Journal as a Commentary Writer, where he has written articles on topics ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic, the "Recall Gavin Newsom" effort and the 2020 election aftermath. The "Young Not Stupid" column launched at The Western Journal in January 2021, making Cameron one of the youngest columnists for a national news outlet in the United States. He has appeared on One America News and Fox 5 DC. He has been a Young America's Foundation member since 2019.
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