
Black Unemployment Rate Under Trump is the Lowest it Has Been in 17 Years


The national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, is the lowest it has been in 17 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In November 2016, the unemployment rate for black people was at 8 percent, and in November 2017 that rate dropped to 7.3 percent — a percentage not seen since the months of September, October and November 2000.

As reported by CNS News, black unemployment rate during the Bush and Obama era’s fluctuated between 7 and 17 percent.

BLS data also shows that labor force participation among African-Americans rose from 61.9 percent in November 2016 to 62.2 percent in November 2017.

Unemployment rate for the Hispanic demographic fell from 5.7 percent to 4.7 percent — the lowest it’s been in 44 years, while the unemployment rate for whites and Asians hovered around 3 percent, roughly the same as one year prior.

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The overall unemployment rate has also seen a significant decrease under the Trump administration, dropping to 4.1 percent, a 17-year low ,The Daily Signal reported.

The White House praised the results, citing President Donald Trump’s economic agenda as the catalyst for the positive results.

“All Americans continue to see results from the president’s bold economic agenda,” White spokesperson Lindsay Waters stated.

The Daily Signal noted that the U.S. economy surpassed 3 percent growth for multiple months, even though critics of Trump claimed that 3 percent growth would be impossible.

“The left’s problem is that they said there is no way to grow the economy at 3 percent, and now they say it’s because of Obama,” Stephen Moore, an economist who advised the Trump campaign, told The Daily Signal. “Every economic indicator, with no exceptions, shows we are looking at forward growth. It’s very positive, and a dramatic improvement.”

News of a historically low unemployment rate adds to the extensive list of economic accomplishments under Trump’s tenure.

As reported by The Western Journal, a November report released by the Conference Board showed consumer confidence rating at 129.5 — the highest recorded rating since November 2000 when the rating was 132.6.

Moreover, in November, Reuters reported that the U.S. economy grew at a faster rate in the third quarter of 2017 than initially forecasted by economic experts.

Gross domestic product reportedly reached 3.3 percent, higher than the original estimate of 3.0 percent, the fastest recorded growth in the past three years.

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On Tuesday, Trump touted the accomplishments on Twitter.

“Consumer Confidence is at an All-Time High, along with a Record High Stock Market,” the president wrote. “Unemployment is at a 17 year low. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Working to pass MASSIVE TAX CUTS (looking good).”

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