
Chilling Note Left by Former MMA Fighter Might Be Biggest Clue in Georgia Mom's Murder: Report


As police investigate the murder of Georgia woman Debbie Collier, a threatening note allegedly from the boyfriend of Collier’s daughter has emerged.

Collier, 59, of Athens, was reported missing on Sept. 10. The next day, her naked and partially charred body was found in a ravine in a wooded area in Habersham County, about 60 miles from her home.

On the day she went missing, Collier put $2,385 into the Venmo account of her daughter, Amanda Bearden, and wrote a message saying, “They are not going to let me go, love you there is a key to the house in the blue flower pot by the door.”

Two weeks later, no one has been arrested, according to Fox News.

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However, a note allegedly written by former amateur MMA fighter Andrew Giegerich and threatening violence has now come to light, according to the New York Post.

“If you or your family ever come near me again I will hurt them,” the note said.

“Have a nice life you lying a** b****. Don’t ever contact me again!!!” the note also said.

The note came to the attention of police during a May 2021 domestic violence investigation involving Bearden and Giegerich.

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According to police documents, Bearden claimed Giegerich broke into her house and attacked her. He was later charged in the incident and ordered to stay away from Bearden, who was also charged with lying to police because the house had not been broken into, according to the Post.

Giegerich said police took his phone and Bearden’s after Collier’s body was found, according to the Post.

“They’ve interrogated all of us. The people who are closest to [Debbie] are kind of looked at as suspects right now,” he said.

After the May 2021 incident, Giegerich was banned from contacting Bearden again, but was charged in September 2021 with violating that ban. In January of this year he pleaded guilty to the domestic violence charges from that incident and was put on probation for 12 months.

In August, he was arrested for a probation violence and ordered to serve six days in jail.

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A New York Post report citing an Athens-Clark County police document said police wrote in 2021 that Giegerich and Bearden have “a family violence relationship.”

Bearden also has a record that includes a charge of battery in 2012 that was pleaded down to disorderly conduct and a 2013 probation violation.

A neighbor of the Colliers said that on the weekend Collier went missing “there was commotion at the house,” according to the New York Post.

“Somebody comes up to visit on the weekends [and] in the evenings, and there’s loud screaming and fighting,” said the neighbor, whose name was not used, adding that the guest was a younger woman.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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