
Benghazi Survivor Rips Apart 'The View' After They Call GOP House Probe into Benghazi 'Petty'


Holding government officials accountable and seeking justice for dead Americans is now “petty,” at least according to “The View.”

This week, the cast of the left-leaning chat show had some dismissive words for Republicans in Congress, and made a comparison so appalling that one of the survivors of Benghazi was forced to speak up.

“During Thursday’s episode of ‘The View,’ some of the hosts complained about how some House Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking for an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Hillary Clinton,” explained Independent Journal Review.

That call for an investigation wasn’t random. A pile of evidence including a recent inspector general report from the Justice Department implicates those “usual suspects” in a variety of misdeeds, including improperly ordering the FBI to drop its investigation of the Clinton Foundation in order to help Hillary win.

You’d think that uncovering the veracity about these allegations of corruption is important — after all, we’re supposed to believe in truth, justice and the American way. Shouldn’t holding people accountable be essential, no matter who is president?

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Apparently not. “The hosts called it a waste of time and taxpayer money, similar to the House probe into the events that occurred in Benghazi, Libya,” explained IJR.

“It seems like very petty revenge, and the sad thing about that is we are paying for that revenge, that pettiness, because these investigations come out of taxpayer dollars and I think we saw this with the Benghazi investigation, which went over two years, cost over $7 million and nothing was found,” whined co-host Sunny Hostin.

Yes, you heard that right: According to “The View,” investigating the failures in Benghazi that resulted in four dead Americans including the murder of a U.S. ambassador was just “pettiness.”

You could almost hear her channeling her inner Hillary Clinton: “What difference does it make?”

Should Congress continue to question people like Comey, McCabe and Lynch?

That’s when one of the men who was actually in Benghazi decided to speak out.

“Hey Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and others on The View,” posted Kris Paronto on Facebook. “I don’t seem to remember you ever asking the actual participants in the Benghazi attack to come on your show so you would actually know the FACTS!”

Kris “Tanto” Paronto is a former Army Ranger and co-author of “13 Hours,” the now-famous book about the Benghazi incident. He was part of the CIA annex security team that helped protect the U.S. consulate in Libya, and was friends with the men who died.

He clearly didn’t share “The View’s” glib appraisal about the Benghazi investigation being “petty.” His post on Twitter was even more harsh.

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“Thank U Sunny @TheView for continuing to lose any credibility you might have had by saying ignorant things & having immoral criminals disguised as former @FBI directors on your show,” he declared. “I’d also advise you to do your research on Benghazi b4 opening your cake hole again. @Comey.”

If you watched your friends die after Hillary Clinton had repeatedly refused requests for backup in Libya and then witnessed her and the Obama administration try to cover it up, you might be a bit on edge too.

Paronto is right. Pretending that it’s a waste of time to investigate people who abuse power is dismaying. Those in government are supposed to answer to the American people, and whether the topic is Benghazi or bureaucrats like Comey and McCabe, the truth should never be off limits.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
