
Collusion Bombshell: Ukraine Opens Investigation into Hillary Getting Illegal Help from Former Soviet State


Collusion. You’ve heard that word hundreds of times since Donald Trump was elected, with the implication that the president’s campaign team actively worked with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton.

But what if it were actually the other way around? A stunning allegation from the Russian-speaking country of Ukraine is now suggesting that it may have been the Clinton team which colluded with a foreign government to win.

In an Op-Ed piece by investigative journalist John Solomon published by The Hill, the reporter laid out a compelling case that law enforcement officials in Ukraine may have purposely leaked financial records, which were then used to go after former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Manafort, of course, was the tip of the iceberg in the still-ongoing push by opponents of Trump to discredit and — if they get their way — impeach him. But the entire fishing expedition may have started with some shady deal-making in the former Soviet Union.

During an interview with Hill.TV, Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko, a Ukrainian government official, revealed that he has begun investigating whether others in his government leaked those financial records, possibly in an attempt to help Clinton win.

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There’s a chain of evidence suggesting that this could be the case.

“Ukraine Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko’s probe was prompted by a Ukrainian parliamentarian’s release of a tape recording purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the Manafort financial records to help Clinton’s campaign,” Solomon wrote for The Hill.

“The parliamentarian also secured a court ruling that the leak amounted to ‘an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign,'” Solomon continued, quoting what Prosecutor General Lutsenko told him directly.

“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko said to the journalist.

Do you believe there may have been collusion between Ukraine and the Democrats?

The Ukrainian official also noted that the foreign agency possibly behind the leak was frequently in contact with U.S. embassy in Kiev during the Obama administration.

And, it’s also worth noting that the source of the Manafort financial records — which promoted his scandal — has remained a mystery so far. If Lutsenko is right, a key piece of the puzzle would fall into place and answer many open questions.

We already know that some officials within the FBI and the Justice Department saw it as their job to stop Trump, and some even discussed ways to remove him from office even after he won.

It doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to consider that similar officials within the Obama-era State Department may have felt the same way — and an official letter from a congressman suggests that America’s ambassador in Ukraine may have been a vocal anti-Trump figure.

“Last year, when he served as House Rules Committee chairman, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) wrote a private letter asking Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to recall the current U.S. ambassador, alleging that she made disparaging statements about President Trump,” Solomon pointed out. The Hill published that letter.

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Sessions Pompeo corresponde… by on Scribd

That ambassador is Marie Yovanovitch, who was in Ukraine around the time of the 2016 election and apparently very opposed to Donald Trump.

Yovanovitch “has spoken privately and repeatedly about her disdain for the current administration,” Rep. Sessions warned Pompeo, going so far to ask that she be removed.

Now, it must be pointed out that these are unproven allegations at this point, but they certainly deserve to be investigated with the same fervor as previous collusion claims.

“If Ukraine law enforcement figures who worked frequently with the U.S. Embassy did leak the Manafort documents in an effort to influence the American election for Clinton, the public deserves to know who knew what, and when,” Solomon wrote.

He’s right. The Clintons are well known for their past dirty tricks, and Hillary Clinton wanted desperately to win in 2016.

If knowing exactly what happened in the run-up to that election is so important, fact-finding must go in both directions. It’s time for the full truth to come out.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
