
Pedophiles Desperately Trying To Join LGBT Movement with Their Own 'Acceptance' Flag


Pedophiles have renamed themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

The Daily Caller reported that Urban Dictionary defines Minor Attracted Persons — also known as MAPs — as a blanket term that includes infantophiles (a person attracted to infants), pedophiles (a person attracted to prepubescent children), hebephiles (a person attracted to pubescent children) and ephebophiles (a person attracted to post-pubescent children).

There are also NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons” who reportedly don’t act on their attractions. “Just because someone is attracted to a child does not mean they are automatically going to sexually abuse them,” The Prevention Project said.

They’re using this new term in order to distance themselves from the toxicity of the connotation of the word “pedophile” and become a part of the LGBT community.

The MAP community claims that pedophiles are “misunderstood, marginalized people,” much like the LGBT community, according to The Daily Caller. They even created a flag for Gay Pride Month.

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Websites like The Prevention Project say that “Everyone (Including Minor Attracted Persons or MAPs) Deserves Support” and provide stories that are meant to pull on heartstrings.

Do you think pedophilia should be considered a sexual orientation?

For example, they told the story of “John,” who “is not a child molester nor is he a sex offender. He has an attraction to children.” “John” was suicidal and bullied, but his therapist said he wouldn’t treat “sex offenders” after “John” told him about his attraction.

The Prevention Project insists that “John” deserves support too because “having an attraction is not the issue; acting on one’s attraction is.”

There are Tumblr blogs that provide support for people of the MAPs community in order to create “safe spaces” for them, The Daily Caller reported.

This is not the first time that people have attempted to redefine pedophilia as a sexual orientation that should be included in the LGBT community.

WND reported that a group of mental health professionals created B4U-Act in 2003 to “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear.”

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In 2010, two Canadian psychologists said that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent,” Van Gijseghem, a psychologist and retired University of Montreal professor, told Parliament.

The 2013 WND article went on to report that with the laws that were being introduced at the time for gay rights could also pave the way for pedophilia rights.

“The language is so broad and vague, it arguably could include all forms of sexual orientation including pedophilia,” Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, said. “It’s not just the orientation that is protected, that conduct associated with the orientation is protected as well.”

This name change, as The Daily Caller pointed out, would follow the liberal trend of making things “politically correct.” It’s concerning to think about how much things like pedophilia will be normalized if they are made “politically correct.”

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Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. A University of Oregon graduate, Erin has conducted research in data journalism and contributed to various publications as a writer and editor.
Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. She grew up in San Diego, California, proceeding to attend the University of Oregon and graduate with honors holding a degree in journalism. During her time in Oregon, Erin was an associate editor for Ethos Magazine and a freelance writer for Eugene Magazine. She has conducted research in data journalism, which has been published in the book “Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future.” Erin is an avid runner with a heart for encouraging young girls and has served as a coach for the organization Girls on the Run. As a writer and editor, Erin strives to promote social dialogue and tell the story of those around her.
Tucson, Arizona
Graduated with Honors
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, University of Oregon
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Contributor for Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
Prescott, Arizona
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English, French
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