
Pro-Life Film 'Unplanned' Was So Life-Changing That Almost 100 Abortion Clinic Workers Seek To Leave Industry


In recent congressional testimony, Chuck Konzelman, the writer and director of “Unplanned,” reported that he knows of almost 100 abortion clinic employees who have undertaken to leave the abortion industry after seeing the film.

“Unplanned,” which centers around the true story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, opened on March 29.

Since then, Konzelman said, 94 clinic workers have approached Johnson’s nonprofit organization, And Then There Were None, according to Pure Flix, the production company behind “Unplanned.”

Konzelman spoke to Congress on Tuesday during a panel to discuss Twitter’s alleged censorship of “Unplanned.”

Twitter temporarily suspended the movie’s marketing account during its opening weekend.

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LifeSiteNews reported that Konzelman said that the social media platform undeservedly targeted the film’s Twitter presence because of its pro-life perspective.

Konzelman pointed out that, “Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood, an organization that actually kills babies every single day, still had an active Twitter account in good standing.”

Despite the alleged censorship, the film evidently reached many with its message of mercy and hope.

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According to Pure Flix, Konzelman said the 94 abortion clinic workers who have sought help in leaving their jobs represent about 1 percent of all abortion clinic workers in the U.S.

“One percent of the abortion workers in the United States, after getting one look at them being portrayed on film,” Konzelman said, according to Pure Flix, “have decided to change their lives … and what they do for a living.”

“Unplanned” tells the story of Johnson’s relationship with abortion, before, during, and after her eight-year career at Planned Parenthood.

Johnson says her pro-abortion beliefs changed when she assisted an abortionist and watched the ultrasound of the abortion being performed.

Since quitting Planned Parenthood, she’s become a pro-life advocate and founded And Then There Were None — an organization that exists specifically to help workers in the abortion industry get out.

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“As of now, we have helped 487 workers leave the clinics and … those workers have closed 21 abortion facilities, because they’ve worked with state officials,” Johnson told Pure Flix last month. “They have worked with health departments to go in and close those facilities because of bad practices, medical negligence, whatever it may be.”

Because of its history, the group is uniquely positioned  to help abortion workers leave the field.

As the group states on its website: “We believe that a clinic worker’s life is valuable, too. As former clinic workers, we have a different perspective than others may have — we’ve been in their shoes. And we used those shoes to walk away.”

“ATTWN seeks to end abortion from the inside out. We believe that the end of abortion starts with abortion clinic workers leaving their jobs and finding healing from their past work. That’s why, as former clinic workers ourselves, we’re committed to helping them through the ENTIRE journey.”

As Konzelman said during his testimony, the film doesn’t portray clinic workers or women who have had abortions as monsters.

Instead, it offers a message of hope and healing to those who want to embrace life and leave the shackles of abortion behind.

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Karista Baldwin studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice.
Karista Baldwin has studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice. Before college, she was a lifelong homeschooler in the "Catholic eclectic" style.
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