
Susan Sarandon's Anti-Trump Stunt Leads to Her Arrest


Actress and anti-Trump activist Susan Sarandon was among those arrested on Capitol Hill on Thursday during a “Women Disobey” march against President Donald Trump and his immigration policies.

“Arrested. Stay Strong. Keep fighting. #WomenDisobey,” Sarandon tweeted Thursday afternoon.

Only a few hours after revealing she’d been arrested, Sarandon was on Twitter again.

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“Powerful, beautiful action with hundreds of women saying we demand the reunification of families separated by immoral ICE policy,” she wrote. “This is what Democracy looks like. #WomenDisobey.”

Organized by two leftist groups — Women’s March and the Centre for Popular Democracy — Sarandon and hundreds of other female activists took over the Hart’s Senate’s Office’s atrium.

Police said over 500 women were charged with unlawfully demonstrating at the Hart building.

Do you these leftists are wasting their time?

Washington state Rep. Pramila Jayapal was also arrested.

“I’m proud to have been arrested with them to put myself in the camp of people who believe that the United States is better,” she said in a video on Twitter.

Sarandon has made it clear that one of her goals in protesting is abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement entirely.

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Rebekah Baker is the former deputy managing editor of The Western Journal.
Rebekah Baker is the former deputy managing editor of The Western Journal. She graduated from Grove City College with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She has written hundreds of articles on topics like the sanctity of life, free speech and freedom of religion.
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Phoenix, Arizona
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