
Fact Check: Did Barack Obama Admit He Has a Husband Named Michael Who He Holds Hands With?


Former President Barack Obama found himself in some hot water when a viral video surfaced that showed him mentioning his “husband, Michael.”

Of note, prior to this video surfacing, Obama has been well-chronicled to have been in a heterosexual marriage with his wife, Michelle.

The video from 2015 involves comments he made at the Catholic Health Association Conference.

In a moment that some might expect from the current gaffe-prone Democrat president, many flocked to the video as some sort of proof that Barack Obama was gay, or that his wife Michelle was secretly a man.

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The video, which has already been slapped with a “False information” label by Facebook, quickly garnered attention.

One common line of attack against Michelle Obama has typically involved her appearance and physique. Michelle, who by all accounts appears to be a fit, healthy woman, has been maligned for having “manly” features, based on things such as certain facial features or her back.

Those who enjoy perpetuating those unfair attacks obviously had a field day with this viral video. While the actual content of the remarks is largely unedited, the video is missing some wildly crucial pieces of context.

The Western Journal Fact Check: Missing Context

First, and most importantly, Obama’s remarks were quoting something a woman had written to him in thanks for his health care policies.

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“Debra couldn’t be here today, but she recently wrote to me and she said: ‘I walk with my husband Michael and hold hands. It’s like a whole new world for me,'” Obama said, according to the White House transcripts. “Just walking and holding hands — something that one of our fellow Americans for years could not do.”

There is also a full video available of the speech Obama gave, again including crucial pieces of context.

So, while Obama did speak the words being attributed to him verbatim, it’s still wildly inaccurate to attribute that as an actual quote by him. Thus, The Western Journal has determined that the viral video is “Missing Context.”

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Obama will have enough on his plate without concerning himself over a secret husband named Michael.

The former president has already been putting in work to pave the road forward for Democrats leading into and beyond the November midterms.

Whether he’s funneling “Monday Night Football” viewers to vote Democrat or being requested by swing-state Democrats, Obama will have his work cut out for him if Democrats are going to try and minimize the pending “Red Wave” that many are predicting come November.

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Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics.
Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics. He graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He is an avid fan of sports, video games, politics and debate.
Class of 2010 University of Arizona. BEAR DOWN.
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