
GOP Rep Stands His Ground After CNN Commentator Demands Resignation


A newly-elected black Republican House representative is firing back after he was told this week to “resign in disgrace” after he objected to the election results in a number of states Wednesday during congressional certification of the election results.

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida stood with dozens of other lawmakers in questioning the results from a number of key battleground states. The Republican was vocal on his Twitter page with regard to his intent to object to certification, prior to the Capitol incursion.

“The people of Florida’s 19 Congressional District elected me to honor the Constitution and the Rule of Law. That is why I just officially signed the objection to the electoral college certification—our election laws matter,” he posted on Jan. 6.

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Donalds later posted video of him standing before the Capitol Building.

But after the building was later breached by pro-Trump demonstrators, Republicans who supported the president’s disputing of the election have come under vicious attacks. Donalds was actually accused of attempting to “disenfranchise” black voters by a CNN contributor the following day.

“Byron Donalds, of Fort Myers, Florida, was the only Black person to join in Trump’s congressional insurrection yesterday,” wrote CNN commentator Keith Boykin. “He voted to disenfranchise Black voters and to block a Black woman from becoming vice president.”

Boykin concluded Donalds “should resign in disgrace.”

But Donalds fired back against the CNN contributor, calling him out for making his loyalty to President Trump about the color of his skin.

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“I don’t vote based on my skin; I do so in allegiance to our Constitution & to always follow the Rule of Law. Blue checkmarks live to delegitimize my right as a free Black man to act, think, & vote based on my convictions rather than skin color,” shot back the Republican.

“Also, it’s Congressman to you,” Donalds concluded.

But Boykin had drawn the ire of the 42-year-old, who later joined Fox News to push back against what he perceived as a clear example of prejudice against him. Donalds told the network Saturday he won’t be shamed into being race baited and that he will stand by his convictions.

“I’m not going to be dissuaded. I’m not going to be afraid. I’m gonna put both feet down in the sand and I’m going to stand for what I believe no matter what the left thinks,” Donalds told Fox News on Saturday.

“It shouldn’t have anything to do with the color of my skin,” he added. “I think that as Americans, we have the ability and freedom to speak what we want to speak, think how we want to think, believe what we choose to believe. That’s the basis of this country.”

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
