
Hundreds of Memes Mocked Creepy Schumer, Pelosi Last Night. We've Got All the Best Ones Right Here


After President Trump’s national address on immigration last night, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer responded with their own address.

And, man, was it creepy. Pelosi and Schumer’s facial expressions spanned the range of completely blank, robotic and haunting. Their rigid stances as they stared down the camera didn’t help either.

In fact, the address came across so bizarrely unhuman that people could only compare them to horror movie characters or Bond villains.

Here’s a collection of some of the best online responses for your enjoyment:

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Those who couldn’t make it past the disturbing visuals didn’t miss much. Pelosi and Schumer didn’t respond to the content of Trump’s address, which was compelling and forthright in its message. Instead, they dismissed the president as throwing a “temper tantrum” and reiterated that they wouldn’t engage with the topic of border security until he reopened the government.

When the message is that bad, it fits that the delivery would be such an uncomfortable experience for everyone.

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Karista Baldwin studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice.
Karista Baldwin has studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice. Before college, she was a lifelong homeschooler in the "Catholic eclectic" style.
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