
Martha's Vineyard Suffers COVID Outbreak Right After Obama's Massive Birthday Party


Martha’s Vineyard, the scene of former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party, has seen an uptick in COVID-19 cases since hundreds of the rich and famous attended the bash last Saturday.

The Daily Mail reported that 74 people in Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for COVID-19 since Aug. 7. Cases on the Massachusetts island are now at a four-month high.

Health officials cannot conclusively link the cases to the party.

“At this time we’re not aware of any cases connected to the Obama party,” Tisbury, Massachusetts, spokeswoman Maura Valley said. “It’s a little too early and the only way we’re going to know is through comprehensive contact tracing.”

Up to 400 people attended the party, according to the Mail. The gathering was intended to be even larger but was reportedly “scaled back” following an outcry over the spread of the delta variant.

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Celebrity guests including Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Beyoncé and Bruce Springsteen, the New York Post reported.

Photos and video of the soiree went viral online, partly because many left-leaning public figures have been accused throughout the pandemic of ignoring their own warnings and advice on virus mitigation measures.

Gatherings such as church services, funerals, weddings and political events for conservatives have been both criticized and canceled since last year.

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The apparent hypocrisy was not lost on Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.

Many large gatherings not connected to the Democratic Party have been labeled “super spreader” events by members of the establishment media since the onset of the pandemic.

Mass gatherings of leftists, meanwhile, are reported on seemingly without the same concerns of potential COVID-19 transmission.

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