
Shelter Wars: Violence Erupts at 2 NYC Illegal Alien Facilities on Same Day, Including Fatal Stabbing


Violence erupted at two illegal immigrant facilities in New York City on Jan. 6, including a fatal stabbing at one of them.

Moises Coronado was arrested and charged with stabbing and killing 24-year-old Dafren Canizalez, another illegal alien, the New York Police Department told the Daily Mail.

Both men were staying at a shelter on Randall’s Island when an altercation broke out, allegedly leading Coronado to stab Canizalez in the chest. Canizalez was later pronounced dead at a hospital.

Coronado’s age has been variously reported as 26 and 27.

Police sources said the stabbing happened after the victim talked to another man’s girlfriend, the New York Post reported. The sources said Canizalez was attacked by four men, three of whom have not been found.

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Roger Castillo, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, said Canizalez was “a good person.”

“There is not much security, and they are far away,” Castillo said of the Randall’s Island migrant camp. “It happens so fast.”

Mauricio Pinto, another illegal immigrant, said “everyone” at the camp has a knife. Moroccan migrant Nabil Jajhlaq added that theft is rampant, with illegal aliens even dividing themselves into factions based on ethnicity.

The Randall’s Island tent city opened in August and costs taxpayers around $20 million per month, the Mail reported.

The stabbing occurred on the same day a fight broke out at another illegal immigrant facility in Manhattan’s East Village, leading to the arrest of two illegal aliens, according to the New York Post.

Eyewitnesses said a man holding a cup of coffee tried to sneak into a line of around 400 people, spilling the coffee on several in the process. Tensions escalated when one man punched the cutter, with others joining in.

Two police officers sustained minor injuries while trying to break up the fight and were treated at a hospital, according to the Post. The men arrested in the incident have not yet been charged.

New York is a “sanctuary city” that is nearing a breaking point. More than 140,000 illegals have flooded into the city over the last 18 months, according to the Mail.

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Are Biden’s border polices damaging America?

Record numbers of migrants have crossed the southern border under the Biden administration. During fiscal year 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported nearly 2.5 million encounters, a majority being single adults.

In the first two months of FY 2024, CBP encountered nearly 500,000 border crossers, setting the pace for another record-breaking year.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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