
Starting Sept. 1 a Slew of New Self-Defense Weapons Will Be Legal in Texas


Texas just took a massive step forward in protecting the right to bear arms, as reported by San Antonio ABC affiliate KSAT.

And it’s about time.

Republican Governor Gregg Abbott just signed House Bill 446, which makes it legal to carry certain self defense weapons including bludgeoning tools and key chains in the Lone Star State.

The bill, led by Democratic Rep. Joe Moody of El Paso with the support of seven Republicans, will allow Texans to arm and defend themselves with brass knuckles, clubs, and “wild kat” key chains. The “self defense bill,” as it was dubbed, simply removed the items from a list of prohibited weapons in the penal code.

Since the act will not go into effect until Sept. 1, a provision was included specifying that the current law will still apply to anyone caught with these weapons before then.

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Currently, offenders face up to one year in jail or a maximum of $4,000 in fines.

This is fantastic news coming from Texas, a state that is no stranger to sound conservative governance. In fact, it almost makes one wonder why it took so long for this to happen.

Texas is known for its stellar record in respecting the Second Amendment, boasting an “F” rating from the left-wing Giffords Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence.

It’s unclear why a state with such a wonderful record would still have a restrictive self defense law on the books. If it is completely legal to openly carry an AR-15 down the streets of Austin, it doesn’t make much sense to keep a sharp object off of a woman’s key ring.

Do you think citizens should be allowed to carry these weapons?

Speaking of women, this is a great piece of legislation for ladies who may not want to carry guns. Pew Research finds that even gun-owning women are generally less comfortable or experienced with firearms than their male counterparts, so objects with a lower risk factor would be a brilliant choice.

This raises an important point: The right to bear arms applies to more than just guns, and now people in Texas who would rather not carry have more viable options for defending themselves, their loved ones, or their property.

Regardless of your gender or your personal feelings about firearms, this act should be celebrated as a victory for the pro-Second Amendment crowd.

The United States Constitution is a document that protects rights that already exist. People are granted by their Creator the right to preserve their lives and their safety. Government is in place to protect them, and we have the responsibility to make sure that it does not become powerful enough to take them away.

Unfortunately, that has already happened in many places across the country. Multiple states have stringent gun control laws, and some still outlaw the weapons that Texas just legalized.

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Living in a federal republic is a beautiful thing, and each state should have the right to enact certain laws that it sees fit. But that doesn’t mean that every law is a good law, and those remaining states need to follow Texas’ example and repeal their outdated and dangerous policies.

Their citizens deserve better.

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Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
BA Political Science, Lyon College (2019)
