
Watch: Liberal Tells Conservative He Could Rape Her, Then Says Don't Tape This


The left’s entire narrative on sexual assault and claims of moral high ground are completely shattered by a new video showing a left-wing man declaring he is allowed to rape a conservative girl.

Conservative activist Kaitlin Bennett was interviewing liberal protesters at President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania on Wednesday when one of the protesters, an older man, put his hand on Bennett’s shoulder.

That prompted her to say, “Don’t touch me.”

“Why not?” the man said. “Hey, I’m allowed to touch her!” the man exclaimed, turning to someone watching the encounter unfold.

“No, you are not allowed to touch me,” Bennett said.

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The man then said he could “throw her on the godd— ground and rape her. Because I have rights.”

WARNING: Video contains profanity.

A stunned Bennett said to the crowd, “This man just said that he could rape me if he wanted to.”

Are liberal protesters creepy?

“Look at your Supreme Court,” the man stammered, apparently trying to indicate his disgusting comment was intended to make a political point.

He seemed to have been referring to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed despite unsubstantiated and uncorroborated sexual assault allegations against him.

Liberals have a really twisted world view if they think that means men are now free to rape women.

It was equally disturbing to see how the other protesters responded to the man’s rape comments.

“No one touched you,” one liberal woman said.

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Bennett spoke to another and told her, “That man just said he could rape me.”

“No he did not,” the woman replied.

What happened to believing women?

Of course, radical leftists don’t actually care about believing women. They form angry mobs and complain about “believing women” when it’s politically convenient.

The man who made the rape remark confronted Bennett again and tried to do some damage control.

“I realized I shouldn’t have said that,” he said, adding, “Do not put this on tape.”

Too late. Bennett shared the video, and now everyone can see the sick mentality of some people on the left.

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Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a background in history, education and philosophy. He has led multiple conservative groups and is dedicated to the principles of free speech, privacy and peace.
Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a passion for free speech, privacy and peace. He graduated from the College of Wooster with a B.A. in History. While at Wooster, he served as the Treasurer for the Wooster Conservatives and the Vice President for the Young Americans for Liberty.
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