
5-Time-Deported Illegal Alien Charged in Death of 10-Year-Old Boy Who Had Just Left School


The Biden administration may have the blood of a 10-year-old boy on its hands after a man who reportedly was deported five times by immigration officials struck the child with a vehicle and then left the scene of the incident, according to police.

Victims of the White House’s lax border policies come from all backgrounds, ages and races, and they have left countless American families morning senseless tragedies in recent years.

Some parents have had to bury their children following overdoses from the fentanyl that is being trafficked across the border.

Women and children are also living as modern-day slaves as the porous border is being used for trafficking human beings as well.

One of the latest apparent victims of President Joe Biden’s complete disregard for American citizens was a kid simply trying to cross a street in Midland, Texas, on Thursday after leaving school.

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That’s when police say 50-year-old Rogelio Ortiz-Olivas, driving a black pickup truck, struck the boy and then fled the area.

KMID-TV reported the Midland Police Department picked up Ortiz-Olivas shortly after the incident and arrested him.

The boy was rushed to hospital in nearby Lubbock in critical condition but tragically he died the following morning.

Midland police said in a statement Friday that the suspect had been charged with hit-and-run, accident causing death.

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Ortiz-Olivas was being held on a $100,000 bond, according to KMID.

However, after he was fingerprinted, it was discovered the Mexican national had entered the country recently after his fifth deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, KOSA-TV reported.

The suspect was using the name Juan Ortiz Perez at the time of Thursday’s incident, the outlet reported, and he is now on an immigration detainer after Midland County Sheriff David Criner confirmed the county is cooperating with ICE.

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It was unknown when Ortiz-Olivas entered the country during the timeline leading up to his truck allegedly striking a boy whose life had barely begun.

But the child is being mourned by his school, his fellow students and a family that is without a doubt distraught beyond comprehension.

Tragedies such as this one leave scars that can last generations.

But like most tragedies that have a connection to the open southern border, this one did not have to happen.

The country has no shortage of awful people who would not think twice about leaving the scene after running over an elementary school child.

People living in Midland certainly didn’t need one who had no business in their community and who continued to enter the country time and again after he was removed.

But Biden’s policies ensure that thousands of people can illegally enter the country daily, and in some cities, they get paid for it.

It is highly unlikely the president will call the family of the child Ortiz-Olivas is alleged to have killed to accept blame and express remorse.

Even if he did, he almost certainly would find a way to invoke the name of his son Beau Biden, an Iraq war veteran who died nine years ago from cancer at a hospital in Maryland.

Biden frequently recounts that he lost a son whenever his foreign policy failures have killed American servicemen and women.

While the president no doubt continues to mourn the death of his adult child, it’s about time people start to ask him when he’s going to cease forcing other parents to bury their children.

While police say Ortiz-Olivas was behind the wheel of that truck Thursday in Midland, it was Joe Biden who put him in the driver’s seat.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
