
'Ferocious' MMA knockout sets record for fastest in division history


Part of the beauty of MMA is the sheer variety of possible ways for a fighter to win.

Sometimes a win involves enduring a five-round war in which both fighters are squinting through blood trickling down their faces by the end.

Sometimes it requires withstanding an opponent’s early barrage before catching him off-guard with a counter punch.

And sometimes the fight is over nearly as soon as it starts.

When Edward Kelly (10-4) took on Meas Meu (5-1) in ONE Championship’s Global Superheroes event, it was definitely the latter scenario that played out.

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Kelly, a 33-year-old from the Philippines, made his move just seconds after the fight began.

Meu, a Cambodian 27-year-old, threw two leg kicks to start the fight, but the second one proved to be his undoing.

Kelly recognized that Meu had left himself exposed and executed a perfect right-left combination before dropping him with a knee a vicious knee to the head.

Meu fell face-first to the canvas, and the fight was over just 21 seconds after it began.

The 21-second fight was the the quickest knockout ever seen in the featherweight division of ONE Championship.

The efficiency of the knockout makes it all the more impressive. Less than two seconds went by from when Kelly threw his first punch to when Meu hit the canvas.

Although many American sports fans probably haven’t heard of it, ONE Championship is not a small-time MMA promotion. While it’s not on the UFC’s level of global reach, ONE Championship is very popular in Asia, where all of its events are held.

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Jake Harp has been with The Western Journal since 2014. His writing primarily focuses on sports and their intersection with politics, culture, and religion.
Jake Harp joined Liftable Media in 2014 after graduating from Grove City College. Since then he has worked in several roles, mostly focusing on social media and story assignment. Jake lives in Western New York where, in a shocking display of poor parenting, he tries to pass down his Buffalo sports fandom to his daughter.
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