
Angry Lyft Driver Kicked an Ex-Cuomo Staffer Out on Highway, Fatally Struck By Car Right When He Got Out


An ex-staffer for former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was killed Sunday after a Lyft driver kicked him out on a Delaware highway.

Delaware State Police said 43-year-old Sidney Wolf had been riding in a Lyft vehicle around 1:45 a.m. on Sunday morning, CNN reported. Five other people were also in the vehicle with Wolf.

During the ride, the driver and the passengers had a “disagreement,” police said. As a result, the driver stopped “in the middle of the southbound left lane” and told the six passengers to exit the vehicle.

Police said Wolf “had just exited the right rear passenger seat and was standing in the roadway” when a 2016 Toyota Corolla approached the scene.

The driver said he swerved to change lanes and avoid the stopped Lyft vehicle. When he did so, he reportedly struck Wolf and killed him.

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“After impact, the Corolla immediately pulled over on the southbound shoulder and came to a controlled stop,” the news release from the police said according to CNN. “The Lyft vehicle fled southbound on Coastal Highway immediately after the crash.”

In a written statement to WJLA-TV, Lyft said it was “heartbroken by this incident.”

“Our hearts are with Mr. Wolf’s loved ones during this incredibly difficult time, and we’ve reached out to the ride requester to offer our support,” the ride service company wrote.

“We have permanently removed the driver from the Lyft community and are in contact with law enforcement to assist with their investigation.”

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Police said the other five passengers who were kicked out of the Lyft vehicle were not harmed.

Wolf’s LinkedIn page indicated he served as the associate director of federal affairs for then-governor Cuomo from July 2019 – December 2021.

The page described Wolf’s role as a “Senior Policy Advisor to the Governor” and an “intergovernmental affairs specialist.” It said his job was to “advocate for state agencies in front of Congress and executive agencies.”

In a statement on Twitter, Cuomo himself expressed his condolences to Wolf’s family and friends.

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“Shocked & saddened to hear this tragic news,” Cuomo wrote. “Sid was a phenomenal public servant who worked relentlessly for the betterment of all NY’ers. My heart goes out to Lindsey & his two young daughters.”

A GoFundMe page for Wolf’s family had raised over $70,000 as of Wednesday afternoon.

“Sid was a people magnet,” the family’s obituary said according to the New York Post. “He was the first to welcome you with a hug; his life force was unmistakable and irresistible. He effortlessly collected friends and treasured family above all. To see him with his daughters was to see love embodied.

“He leaves a big hole for his many loving aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins, and all who were lucky enough to know him.”

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Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
