
Clerk in Middle of Armed Robbery Is Busy Loading Cash Bag When the Perfect Customer Walks In


A California police officer was in the right place at the right time on Wednesday to arrest a robbery suspect.

The incident took place at a 7-Eleven in West Covina, according to KTLA-TV.

Video of the incident posted to X shows a man later identified as Ramon Gonzalez as he interacted with a clerk.

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“A male entered a local 7-11, approached the front counter, and asked to purchase cigarettes,” West Covina police wrote on Instagram.

“As the employee begins placing the cigarettes into the black plastic bag, the suspect lifts his sweatshirt, brandishes a firearm, and demands the employee to open the register. Fearfully, the employee complies and begins placing money into the plastic bag. Once the employee places all the money into the bag, the suspect gathers the bag,” police wrote.

Then came a moment of chance that changed everything.

West Covina Sergeant Abel Hernandez, who KTLA described as a frequent customer of that 7-Eleven, entered to buy water and say hello to the clerk.

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“The suspect begins to walk toward the exit, and as he does, the employee alerts Sergeant Hernandez of the robbery. Sergeant Hernandez quickly chases after the suspect and is able to apprehend him,” the West Covina police post said.

“A search of the suspect confirmed he was in possession of a loaded handgun. The money (approximately $400) was returned to the victim,” the post said.

Gonzalez, 48, of La Puente, was charged with robbery, carrying a concealed weapon and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

“So I saw the subject in there and at first, I really didn’t think anything” Hernandez told KTLA. “I saw the gloves, I saw the ski mask and that night it was a little chilly so I figured, ‘OK.’”

Then he looked at the clerk.

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“What really alerted me was once I went in, Mr. Singh is usually a jolly person, always with a smile. But as I entered the store I saw the fear in his face and knew something was up,” Hernandez said, according to KTTV-TV.

“It was so quick, it happened so fast. To be honest, to me it seemed slow, I looked at the video and it seems like I took off pretty quick but everything slowed down, but I was able to catch him 15, 20 feet right outside the doors of the store,” he said.

Hernandez, who has been with the department for 17 years, said he was glad no one was injured.

“It was fortunate,” said Hernandez. “Thank God that the outcome was what it was.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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