
Trump Tower's Address Will Be Changed to '725 President Barack H. Obama Avenue' if 100,000 Petitioners Complete Their Plan


It appears that anti-Trump progressives have cornered the market on wasting time and energy.

If those who hate President Donald Trump have a favorite board game, it’s probably Trivial Pursuit. But then, anybody who wants Trump removed from office isn’t in the business of rationalizing shameless behavior.

In New York City, progressives are pushing a petition to rename the part of Fifth Avenue where Trump Tower stands after former President Barack Obama, according to The Hill.

The punch line? As of early Wednesday afternoon, more than 100,000 signatures had been tallied on

As The Hill reported, that segment of Fifth Avenue would be called 725 President Barack H. Obama Avenue.

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At least one Twitter user called out those who support the online initiative.

Do you think this petition is a waste of time?

Too bad, for the progressives’ sake, there’s a major roadblock that may prevent those Manhattan liberals from taking it to the streets.

To co-name a thoroughfare, the petition must meet the following criteria, according to Newsweek: “The honoree in question should be deceased for at least two years prior to the petition.”

Apparently that won’t stop the initiative’s creator, Elizabeth Rowin.

She told Newsweek that such laws “are arbitrary and can be worked around.”

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Rowin and those signing her petition would know all about “arbitrary.”

Clearly, there’s no special capacity needed when it comes to being unproductive and acting on a whim.

The left’s latest endeavor smacks of a “We’re putting Trump in his place!” smugness that figures to backfire on those involved rather than emasculate our president.

If this is the petitioners’ idea of “hope and change,” they can put their hope in one hand and some change in the other — then see which one fills up first.

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James Luksic has been a writer and editor for a panoply of publications and websites for 30 years.
James Luksic has been a writer and editor for a panoply of publications, corporations and websites -- including Montecito Journal, Dayton Daily News and Lexis-Nexis -- for 30 years.
