
Every Single Sheriff in State Signs Rebellious Letter Pledging to 'Prepare for Potential Violence'


Every sheriff in Utah has signed a letter vowing to protect Second Amendment rights and advising citizens that they are working to “prevent and prepare for potential violence.”

While talk of gun control on Capitol Hill has temporarily taken a backseat to other initiatives, such as “infrastructure,” the men and women of law enforcement are staying ahead of the game in the event that any anti-gun legislation makes it through Congress.

Every single Utah sheriff signed a letter released this week by the president of the Utah Sheriffs’ Association, Cache County Sheriff Chad Jensen. Jensen had promised to fight for residents’ constitutional rights in an April statement.

“Recently, President Biden talked about several proposed measures of gun control and plans to sign executive orders. Unconstitutional gun control in any measure will not happen in Cache County on my watch,” Jensen wrote at the time.

“I stand at the forefront of this county to protect your rights from government overreach,” he added.

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Jensen is now joined by Utah’s 28 other sheriffs in the fight against gun control.

“The Second Amendment of our divinely inspired Constitution clearly states ‘…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed,’” the sheriff’s joint statement read.

“We hereby recognize a significant principle underlying the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms is indispensable to the existence of a free people.”

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Citizens were encouraged to join law enforcement in the “respectful, peaceful and orderly processes established by the Constitution for protecting individual rights.”

“As members of the human family, we value the sanctity of life. We live in a time when unlawful violence is commonplace, and along with the victims and survivors of violence, we recognize these tragedies to be irrational, callous and infuriating. Some individuals seek to use any means possible to injure or destroy life or property,” the sheriffs said.

“While potential safety concerns continue to exist, we encourage citizens to refuse to give into fear tactics — those meant to confuse and cause chaos. Rather, we seek to be united as Americans and Utahans, to care for one another, and to ensure preparedness and safety in our places of worship and learning, in our homes and places of recreation and business.”

The statement added that Utah’s sheriffs are “working diligently to prevent and prepare for potential violence or disaster.”

“In doing so, we feel strongly that the focus of these efforts must be on the perpetrator and properly leading through the potential incidents. It is not necessary or wise to focus on the inanimate weapon, instrument or tool of the crime.”

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The statement did not mention any specific threat or piece of legislation, although bills targeting specific guns and seeking to make the purchase of guns more cumbersome have been proposed.

In states that are run by rational people who took an oath to defend the Constitution, those bills and others will be challenged fiercely.

Utahans have made the right choices at the polls in recent years.

If a time ever comes when they’re ordered to disarm themselves, their investments in smart leadership might make all the difference.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
