
Gym Owners Who Stood Firm Against COVID Tyrants Get Amazing News


The draconian COVID regulations caused untold misery for the millions of Americans forced to endure them.

Innumerable businesses, especially small, local businesses, suffered just as much, if not more, as their sources of income were ruthlessly cut off indefinitely for the sake of “slowing the spread.”

Now, four years removed from the infamous lockdowns, one of those businesses that was unfairly persecuted for remaining open during those lockdowns has finally received some justice.

As reported by Philadelphia NBC News outlet WCAU-TV, the owners of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, Frank Trumbetti and Ian Smith, have been cleared of the 80 charges and summonses brought against them by the government of New Jersey.

According to WCAU, while Trumbetti and Smith had initially closed their gym back in March of 2020, after two months, they decided to reopen. That’s when they suffered the wrath of the state of New Jersey, including that of Gov. Phil Murphy.

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Trumbetti told the outlet that “1,528 days ago, they actually shut us down, asked for 14 days to flatten the curve. When we opened up, we felt like we were doing something to help people.”

Should there be criminal charges against COVID tyrants?

Unfortunately, the COVID cops failed to “follow the science” regarding the health benefits that come with working out, and so began Trumbetti and Smith’s  fierce battle against state officials.

According to WTXF-TV, the charges Trumbetti and Smith faced included violating a governor’s orders, creating a public nuisance and disturbing the peace. The two of them were forced to pay about $269,000 in fines and court fees before the charges were finally dropped.

The ruling was made on April 24, WCAU reported. It became final after the state let a week go by without appealing.

Co-owner Smith, whose X bio reads “Dumb NJ meathead who didn’t close his gym,” took to social media to celebrate this win in a lengthy post. (WARNING: The linked post contains graphic language that some may find offensive.)

Smith wrote, “4 years ago today, we reopened Atilis Gym in direct violation of an unconstitutional order by Governor Philip Murphy to close small businesses in New Jersey. The support we received locally, nationally, and internationally for our stand is something I will be forever grateful for.”

He then got to the meat of his news, saying, “I am thrilled to announce that we have achieved a major victory in the long, hard fight against the State. ALL OF THE 80+ municipal citations of violations of a governor’s order, public nuisance, disturbing the peace, and operating without a license against us have been dropped by the courts WITH prejudice. This means the State has NO ability to revist or refile these charges.”

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That said, he clarified that “This victory opens the battlefield again and gives us options to continue to push back and bring justice to the treasonous actions of Phil Murphy and his lackies,” concluding that “Nobody is coming to save you, save yourself. Spit on your hands and hoist the black flag. No quarter.”

Bleak as the final sentiment might seem, Smith did have a valid point.

Because, in reality, it’s just a story of one gym and its struggle against the COVID tyrants.

For every victory against the Neros of the pandemic, there are scores more businesses and small business owners who were bullied into oblivion by the government.

These people were heaped with fines and charges and threats, while big-box stores were free to conduct business as usual.

The COVID overlords knew masks were ineffective, have admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule was more or less made up, and the lockdowns did nothing to mitigate the spread of a disease that was harmless for the majority of the population.

Those who stood firm are, thankfully, now seeing themselves vindicated.

But very few of them will get the legal vindication of the Atilis gym.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


The Western Journal is fighting to keep that from happening, but we can’t do it alone.


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Thank you for reading,

Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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