
Hillary Dealt a Brutal Reality Check Courtesy of Don Jr After Attempting to Trash Trump at Grammys


Responding to failed Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s presence Sunday at the Grammys, where she embarrassed herself and the Democrat Party yet again, President Donald Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., tore into the sore loser like a tornado in a set of tweets he posted before the show ended.

“Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency,” read his first tweet, which he posted Sunday evening at 10:39 p.m. eastern time.

“The more Hillary goes on television the more the American people realize how awesome it is to have @realDonaldTrump in office,” he added eight minutes later.

Does the word BOOM mean anything to you? Because that’s the sound of Trump Jr. destroying Clinton with a much-needed reality check.

As the Conservative Tribune already reported, Clinton briefly appeared at the Grammys this Sunday to read a snippet from “journalist” Micheal Wolff’s spurious new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” which as a reminder contains a virtually unending stream of lies about the president.

Her pathetic performance occurred after a litany of pompous celebrities first read from the book, though Clinton’s reading reportedly drew the largest rounds of applause that night.

I guess congratulations are in order?

Does Clinton need to go away?

Actually, congratulations are indeed in order, since Clinton’s attention-grabbing appearance at the Grammys managed to again prove why the American people made the right decision in 2016 by electing Trump into office.

This woman is more than just an idiot and embarrassment — she’s the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with liberalism, from its love of media-generated fake news to its embrace of corruption, deceit and evil.

And let’s also not forget liberalism’s intimate rapport with narcissism, a flawed personality trait that defined the presidency of former President Barack Obama and continues to showcase itself through Clinton, a woman who seems to believe the world revolves around her.

After all, this is the same woman who once publicly fantasied about being president on an alternative Earth

Please get a grip, lady, and accept reality: You lost fair and square to Trump (despite your claiming otherwise), you will likely never be the president of the United States and a vast majority of the American people want you and your family to disappear into the sunset.

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These are the facts. What you read on air Sunday were lies. And while it’s true you’ve made a career out of lying through your teeth, that career is over — and it ain’t coming back, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout like a child.

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