
Moral Collapse in Liberal Cities Leads to Highest Number of Murders Since Bloody 1990s Gang Violence


In a surprise to no one who has been paying attention, murders have skyrocketed to horrifying new levels in Democrat-run cities across America.

For the first three months of 2021, murders surged 18 percent in 37 cities from the same period a year ago, The New York Times reported, citing FBI statistics released Monday.

This continues an alarming trend that erupted in 2020 — a violent year marked by countless antifa and Black Lives Matter riots in liberal cities — when murders spiked 25 percent from the previous year, according to preliminary FBI statistics.

That surge is likely higher because the FBI did not include data from several big cities, including New York and Chicago, where murders exploded last year and continue to climb.

As it is, the toll for 2020 matched a grim milestone set back in the 1990s, when gang violence ran rampant across the nation.

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“A 25 percent increase in murder in 2020 would mean the United States surpassed 20,000 murders in a year for the first time since 1995,” The Times reported.

The shocking murder statistics mirror the catastrophic increase in other crimes in liberal cities, many of which moved to reduce funding for police and hamstring officers amid the demonstrations and riots spawned by the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Predictably, The Times claimed it didn’t know what caused the nationwide spike in murders and blamed it on increased gun sales (which were fueled by Americans’ mounting concerns for their safety due to left-wing riots).

Are Democrats' policies to blame for these numbers?

“Although it’s not clear what has caused the spike in murder, some possibilities are the various stresses of the pandemic; the surge in gun sales during the crisis; and less belief in police legitimacy related to protests over police brutality,” the liberal newspaper mused.

The Times then made a push for mass vaccinations, which it suggested would stem murders.

“Most obviously, the pandemic may mostly recede by summer because of widespread vaccination, and a broad reopening of public life may change the dynamic that has led to the rise in violence,” the paper opined.

Democrats and their media lapdogs feign ignorance over the cause of the murderous nationwide crime sprees, but most Americans understand why this is happening:

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Ironically, Democrats are making a rabid push for more gun control at precisely the moment that crime is increasing nationwide, racial tensions are escalating, migrant caravans are barraging the borders and police departments are being defunded.

This means that murders and other crimes will continue to explode, so Americans should be on notice that they cannot depend on the government or the police to protect them.

God help us all.

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