
Delusional Ocasio-Cortez Openly Claims ICE 'Sexually Assaults Women With Impunity'


A media darling of the far left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fast becoming an uninformed joke to the more observant — a dingbat who is nothing more than spin.

On Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Party’s nominee for New York’s 14th Congressional District, wrote a tweet that was equal parts ignorance and self-congratulation in which she defended her membership in the group Abolish ICE, which wants to do away with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Responding to criticism that getting rid of ICE would get rid of the agency that just made headlines for deporting a suspected Nazi war criminal living in the United States illegally, Ocasio-Cortez trafficked in blanket generalizations and an implied celebration of her own “bravery.”

She tweeted that ICE “incarcerates children and sexually assaults women with impunity.”

She segued into her “courage” by tweeting that “I have no problem saying white supremacy has no place in this country,” and stated that “It’s the GOP that struggles to say that.”

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Of course, she offered no evidence to prove anything about sexual assaults — not even a link to an actual news article, for instance.

She also ignores the reality that, as a young woman, she would no doubt be safer with ICE officers than a good number of the Hollywood glitterati that support Democrat causes so devotedly. (She might even be safer with ICE than with some members of the House of Representatives she wants to join.)

The ugly irony here is that while Ocasio-Cortez was denouncing ICE as fascist, the federal agency was going after the real thing.

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On Monday, ICE, on the order of President Donald Trump, arrested Jakiw Palij, a 95-year-old who had once served as a Nazi guard at a death camp in Poland during World War II, according to ABC News. After lying about his role as a Nazi guard at the Trawniki concentration camp, he entered the United States in 1949.

He was granted full citizenship in 1957.

Pajil was exposed in 2003, and was the subject of numerous deportation efforts, all stymied by Germany’s refusal to have him deported there.

However, on Monday, the arrangement had been made.  He arrived in Germany on Tuesday.

As reported by ABC News, the White House issued a statement praising the work of ICE:

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“President Trump commends his Administration’s comprehensive actions, especially ICE’s actions, in removing this war criminal from United States soil.”

According to the statement, “through extensive negotiations, President Trump and his team secured Palij’s deportation to Germany and advanced the United States’ collaborative efforts with a key European ally.”

Voters should note that Ocasio-Cortez has no idea of what fascism constitutes.  Of course, she’s responsible for her own ignorance, but her gaffes and easy generalizations are also the result of a politically correct education, where students are not taught logic and empiricism.

Instead they are taught the right phrases to say, and it is increasingly becoming apparent that Ocasio-Cortez is only about spin and not proveable fact.

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