
Priceless: Officer Rocks Acosta by Taking WH Pass as 'We Will Rock You' Plays Behind Them


Jim Acosta, CNN’s seemingly former chief White House correspondent, has not been having a good week. The blue wave his network often hinted at ended up being more of a gentle ripple on Tuesday. Yesterday, he had a scuffle with a White House intern over a microphone that made headlines.

That same day he suffered his most embarrassing blow of all. After arriving for his evening hit at the White House, he was informed his credentials were revoked. With the severing of that golden thread, Jim Acosta became just another mere mortal.

It all seems to have started as a pro-Robert Mueller protest was materializing outside the White House fence. Minutes later, this crowd would supply the soundtrack to what must have been a terrible evening for him.

Minutes later, he was stopped and told the bad news.

In a huff, he quickly took to Twitter. He told followers that the Secret Service barred him from entering. Keep in mind that even though this is the White House, it’s still President Donald Trump’s home.

Do you think Jim Acosta's behavior towards the intern was acceptable?

House rules probably don’t allow you to karate chop female aides, as Acosta has.

With Acosta’s adoring fans at the protest supporting Robert Mueller within earshot, the Secret Service asked him for his physical credentials.

Ever the vigilant journalist, he began recording. The video opens right at the end of an apparent verbal argument, with a guard saying “I was just told to do it.” Acosta sharply responds to the officer, saying he has every right to film. Then the real “broadcast” begins.

“This is Jim Acosta. I am in front of the White House and the Secret Service officer is asking for my hard pass.” He assures viewers that he harbors “no hard feelings to the officer.” Then he made the heroic announcement. He was handing over his credentials.

At the end of his monologue, a problem quickly emerged. He couldn’t unhook the pass while filming. Instead of figuring out a way to do it, Acosta passed it off to the guard.

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“Um, so do you want to take it off the lanyard there?” he asks. Jim Acosta does not do peasant work. The officer takes the tangle and diligently gets to work. Then, musicians at the nearby protest started playing a familiar tune.

A cover of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” begins.

“It’s been here for a while,” the officer jokes after struggling with the pass for several painfully awkward seconds.

Without missing a beat, Acosta responds “I’ve been working at the White House for five years covering two administrations so yeah, it’s been in that thing a while.” Very magnanimous, Jim.

The entire video was uploaded to Acosta’s Twitter page, which boasts a following of nearly one million people.

Although Acosta’s White House credentials have been revoked, his future confrontations with the president are sure to make headlines nationwide.

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Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard and is a husband, dad and aspiring farmer.
Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He is a husband, dad, and aspiring farmer. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard. If he's not with his wife and son, then he's either shooting guns or working on his motorcycle.
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