
Rachel Dolezal Exposed Again - This Time as Adult Performer Recently Fired from Job with Kids


You’d think after getting humiliated on the world stage for pretending to be black, Rachel Dolezal would learn her lesson and gain a little humility from the experience.

Or at least, not attempt something so shameless it’s bound to result in another round of public humiliation and professional ruin — like running an OnlyFans while working at an elementary school.

Alas, Dolezal could not manage that last part. Despite changing her name in a vain attempt to hide her next colossal professional mistake, Dolezal’s newest transgression was exposed by LibsofTikTok, setting her up for another round of public ridicule.

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As reported by KVOA on Feb. 13, Dolezal, who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo, originally came under public scrutiny in 2014, when, posing as a black person though she was purely white, she served as the head of NAACP in Spokane, Washington.

After changing her name in a vain attempt to hide the paper trail following her name, Dolezal apparently decided to work as an after school teacher in the Catalina Foothills School Disctrict, running an OnlyFans account on the side.

According to E! News, Dolezal’s smutty content included “explicit” and “nude and explicit” collections for Christmas and Black Friday, and she was still uploading to her account as recently as Feb. 14.

Even worse, her OnlyFans was linked to her public Instagram account, which means that anyone who followed her could easily access her page.

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Julie Farbarik, the director of alumni and community relations for the Catalina Foothills district, emailed a statement to KVOA, saying, “We only learned of Ms. Nkechi Diallo’s Only Fans social media posts yesterday afternoon. Her posts are contrary to our district’s ‘Use of Social Media by District Employees’ policy (attached) and our staff ethics policy. She is no longer employed by the Catalina Foothills School District.”

Which is, of course, quite a good thing.

It does beg the question, however, if Dolezal’s OnlyFans page was linked on her Instagram, how did they fail to find it until LibsofTikTok unearthed the connection and made it public?

Moreover, did Dolezal learn absolutely nothing from the 2014 debacle? What possessed her to work in the school while running what is essentially a homemade porn page?

The shamelessness of it all is just breathtaking — not to mention nauseating.

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First, her pretending she was black to reap the benefits of belonging to an “oppressed” and “victimized” minority might be the most damning piece of evidence of how falling on the right side of the victim hierarchy will enrich a person this side of Al Sharpton’s tax problems.

Second, not only is she creating pornography of her own volition, but she saw nothing amiss with making amateur porn while working with little children.

And herein lies the true shamelessness of it all.

The thing is, all of us make mistakes. All of us at some point or another will mess up in a catastrophic way (though maybe not so publicly).

The true test of character is how you respond to that mistake.

Dolezal responded with a smiling selfie on her Instagram story claiming that her response will be to just “keep on living” — essentially admitting she thinks she doesn’t need to change.

“Don’t change” is some of the worst advice you could ever give anyone.

Dolezal could have repented and showed real contrition, but instead, she just posted about how she’ll just keeping living her life.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God — everyone, even the most holy among us, needs to grow and change to better meet the standard of virtue Christ sets for us.

The decision to keep doing your thing leads to misery — something Dolezal, at this point, probably knows about more than she would prefer.

Shamelessness has its price.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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