
Reporter Calls Out Meeting Where Obama, Comey Were 'Hatching' Plot Against Trump


It was the Obama holdovers who mattered — but the media’s still doing the dirty work.

As more details spill out about the administration of former President Barack Obama and its efforts to derail President Donald Trump’s tenure in its infancy, a meeting at the White House two weeks before the Trump’s inauguration is taking on greater significance.

In fact, according to Mollie Hemingway, the journalist, author and senior editor at The Federalist, it was where Obama and then-FBI Director James Comey began “hatching” the plot that would turn into the “Russia collusion” probe that ate up so much of Trump’s first years in office.

In an appearance Monday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle,” Hemingway discussed that meeting – and slammed the mainstream media’s slanted coverage of an issue that’s at the heart of the Democratic Party’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election.

The eventually infamous Jan. 5, 2017, meeting in the Oval Office started as a larger meeting, Hemingway told host Laura Ingraham.

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As Hemingway described it, the meeting got down to nuts and bolts after Obama asked those present who would be departing office when his administration ended to leave the room, keeping then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Comey behind.

Both Yates and Comey would be serving after Trump took office.

Also present were then-Vice President Joe Biden and then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

“And that’s where they started hatching their plan to make sure that the incoming administration would not find out what they had been doing or what they planned to continue doing in terms of spying on the Trump campaign and people affiliated with it,” Hemingway said.

And the primary objective of protecting those secrets was targeting then-incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a man whose prosecution on an absurd charge of lying to the FBI was dropped last week in a dramatic decision by Attorney General William Barr.

Hemingway also used the Ingraham appearance to slam the mainstream media’s coverage of the whole “Russia collusion” story.

In particular, NBC’s disgraceful Chuck Todd disgraced himself and his profession — again — on Sunday by using a deceptively edited video of Barr as material for discussion about the Flynn case.

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Considering Todd’s show is called “Meet the Press,” the clearly deliberate deception was more than a little ironic.

Todd’s comment was worse: “I was struck … by the cynicism of the answer.”

And alert Americans are floored by the cynicism of the media.

Hemingway’s comment to Ingraham about the video summed it up perfectly.

“This is an example of what has been going on for years, where the exact opposite of the truth keeps on getting reported. And they just keep on suppressing information,” she said.

“This idea that Attorney General Barr, by caring transparently about the rule of law, doesn’t care about the rule of law while the people who lie on 302’s [FBI interview report forms] or destroy 302’s … who destroy evidence, who illegally spy on the Trump campaign with these warrants that were ill-gotten, who illegally interview people. That’s not rule of law. That is a problem.”

The events of the past three years prove her point.

As it turned out, Yates and Comey were not to remain in office long under the Trump administration.

Yates was fired at the end of January 2017 for refusing to enforce Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim countries with deep ties to terrorism.

Comey, of course, was fired in May 2017 over his handling of the Russia collusion probe.

But the seeds had been planted by then.

Understandably enough, Trump is using his considerable Twitter following to get the word out about the new revelations.

There’s no downplaying how much the distraction of the Mueller probe hindered Trump’s first years in office — and there’s no downplaying the extent of the anti-Trump media’s collusion in the Democratic Party smear job.

If there had been no Mueller probe, there might well be no House Democratic majority today, since the Mueller probe was still very active during the 2018 midterms.

And with no House Democratic majority, there would have been no ludicrous impeachment of the president.

Those are developments that haven’t just slowed Trump’s agenda — they’ve hurt the country, both at home and in the eyes of the world.

It all goes back to that Jan. 5 White House meeting, and the Obama administration holdovers who got their orders there.

But it couldn’t have gone far without the support of the mainstream media, “where the exact opposite of the truth keeps on getting reported.”

That’s the real dirty work — and it hasn’t stopped for a second.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
