
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Becomes 7th GOP Governor to Send Troops to Southern Border


Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is deploying troops from Arkansas to the southern border, Fox News first reported Thursday.

Arkansas joins other Republican states that have taken similar actions in recent days, including Florida, Nebraska, Virginia, South Carolina, West Virginia and Tennessee, according to Fox News.

The Republican governors recently met with Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who requested their help in securing the Texas-Mexico border.

Sanders cited illegal immigration, cartels and trafficking as issues at the southern border that she believes are being fueled by President Joe Biden, in a statement on Twitter.

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“Our Soldiers and Airmen have been providing these same capabilities to combatant commanders and local law enforcement agencies for years,” Maj. Gen. Jonathan Stubbs, adjutant general for the Arkansas National Guard, said in a statement to Fox News.

The states’ response follows the end of Title 42, a key Trump-era border policy used to expel more than 2 million illegal migrants, on May 11.

In response to an expected surge at the time, Biden deployed 1,500 U.S. troops to the southern border.

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“These 1,500 military personnel will fill critical capability gaps, such as ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support, until CBP can address these needs through contracted support,” a Pentagon official previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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