
Watch: Biden Calls Blue States 'Green States' in Latest Mental Mishap


Joe Biden’s trainwreck presidency lurched off the rails again, reaffirming that the doddering Democrat is unfit to lead.

In another humiliating gaffe, the 81-year-old career politician referred to Democrat-run blue states as “green states” while addressing House Democrats at their annual policy retreat in Leesburg, Virginia, on Thursday.

“I said I’m gonna be a president for everybody, whether you live in a red state or a green state,” Biden said.

Elsewhere during his meandering speech, the octogenarian referred to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court abortion case Roe v. Wade as “Roe v. Word.”

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These latest slip-ups are part of an unbroken chain of alarming blunders suggesting this president’s cognitive health is in serious decline and, therefore, an exigent threat to national security.

Is Biden mentally well?

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas — who was the White House physician to former Presidents Donald Trump, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — said Biden has to go because of his apparent mental struggles.

“Every time he’s on TV he babbles like a toddler, then goes off to shuffle into a wall!” Jackson wrote on X. “WHO IS REALLY RUNNING OUR COUNTRY??? We need TRUMP back NOW!”

The congressman made the remark while referencing bombshell admissions about the president in a report released Thursday by Justice Department special counsel Robert Hur.

The report said Biden wouldn’t be charged for mishandling classified government documents because a jury would view him as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Watch: Biden Can Only Repeat the Same Word 15 Times in a Row as Hecklers Derail His Speech

In a follow-up post, Jackson provided a recap of Hur’s report:

“1) Biden ‘willfully retained’ classified documents about Afghanistan and more at his home.
“2) His actions ‘present serious risks to national security.
“3) Despite this, NO criminal charges were recommended.”

The congressman expressed disgust at the farcical irony of the special counsel’s warped reasoning for not criminally charging Biden.

“Let me get this straight. Biden doesn’t demonstrate a ‘mental state of willfulness’ to stand trial for his crimes, but he is mentally fit to be President of the United States?” he wrote.

“THIS IS A JOKE. Either prosecute or BOOT him out!” Jackson said.

While Biden’s countless mental lapses might seem funny, they are no joke. His cognitive decline is a dire emergency that threatens both national security and global stability.

In less than three years, crushing inflation, runaway crime, relentless border invasions and escalating geopolitical conflicts have become the hallmark of Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency.

The weakness he is projecting endangers the United States and all its allies around the world.

This is a far more urgent existential threat than climate change, “racial equity,” transgenderism and the other manufactured crises that Democrats and their corporate media lapdogs screech about on an hourly basis.

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