
Watch: As Dems Unloaded on Trump & Cohen, Trump Was Honoring Mollie Tibbetts


It was the news everyone feared. And while many across America mourned the tragic death of Iowa’s missing young woman Mollie Tibbetts, others were focused on yet again bashing President Donald Trump and fantasizing about him being impeached, this time over his former attorney Michael Cohen’s plea deal.

The usual suspects in the establishment media spent the day following the news of Cohen’s deal, celebrating and claiming, erroneously, that it meant Trump was therefore somehow guilty of an impeachable offense. Never mind that the law and the facts say otherwise.

Despite the fact that Cohen’s plea is not proof of a campaign finance violation, the cries for impeachment were all over social media.

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Meanwhile, America was reeling from the news that the remains of the 20-year-old Tibbetts had been located. Police charged an illegal alien, 24-year-old Cristhian Rivera, with the college student’s murder. Law enforcement officials said during a press conference that Rivera admitted to following and then approaching Tibbetts while she was jogging.

Was Cohen's plea deal more important to you than news about Mollie Tibbetts' murder?

She told him to leave her alone and stated she was calling the police, the officials said. She attempted to run away from him. Rivera admitted to chasing her but said he then “blacked out,” police said.

Authorities noted that Rivera had been living and working in the U.S. illegally for at least four to seven years. They also said Rivera had seen Tibbetts prior to the night of her murder, but did not elaborate.

While speaking in at a rally in Charleston, West Virginia, Tuesday night, President Trump took a moment to honor Tibbetts.

“You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in very sadly from Mexico,” he said. “And you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful, young woman.

“Should have never happened. Illegally in our country.

“We’ve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad, the immigration laws are such a disgrace. We’re getting them changed, but we have to get more Republicans.”

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While some might suggest the president was politicizing her murder, he is not wrong about needing more Republicans in Congress to help fix the problems with America’s immigration system and prevent more dangerous criminals from entering the country illegally. Those Republicans also would need to be willing to make such changes, rather than going along with the Democrats in changing the immigration laws in the opposite direction.

While the establishment media largely ignore such stories as that of Tibbetts, alternative media continue to try to bring them to the public’s awareness, in turn helping to highlight potential needed changes to our system in order to save and protect more lives. No laws can completely stop all evil that exists in the hearts of human beings, but the right laws can help minimize the potential impact such evil can have on the public at large.

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