
Watch: Trump Issues Official Position on Abortion, And Pro-Lifers Don't Seem to Happy About It


Former President Donald Trump divided many conservatives on Monday when he announced his official position on abortion in a video he posted on social media.

Many who expressed disappointment were those who are ardently pro-life and generally oppose abortion procedures.

In a more than four-minute video Trump posted on Truth Social, the country’s 45th president and 2024 presumptive GOP nominee argued that the Republican Party should make a stance on the issue clear.

Trump argued that letting states decide the issue was important to winning elections in the fall and going forward.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both,” Trump said in the video.

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“And whatever they decide must be the law of the land,” he added. “In this case, the law of the state.”

Roe v. Wade was overturned nearly two years ago, thanks in large part to Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees deciding the previous and longstanding law was unconstitutional.

Since then, states across the country have tackled the issue differently, which Trump commented on in his video post.

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“Many states will be different,” Trump said. “Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be. At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.”

Trump also expressed his support for in vitro fertilization, which some couples who have a difficult time conceiving a child controversially use to start families.

The former president’s comments went viral on the social media platform X, with a number of pro-life advocates expressing their disappointment with his position:

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In his Truth Social post, Trump referred to any late-term abortion as an “execution.”

Trump’s statement all but dashes the hopes of many pro-life advocates that if elected to a second term he would support a nationwide abortion ban.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
