
Charlie Kirk Says Fox News Has Shunned Him and His Organization: 'Not Allowed to Be Here'


Conservative activist Charlie Kirk has revealed that he is not in Fox News’ good books.

Kirk, who founded Turning Point USA, said in an interview with Breitbart that his relationship with Fox had “gone off the reservation” and that none of its reporters or personalities attended TPUSA’s recent AmericaFest conference in Phoenix.

“What’s missing?” Kirk remarked during the conference last week. “We don’t have a single person from Fox here, and in years past we have.”

“I love Fox. They’ve been very good to me. I hope we can heal our relationship,” Kirk added.

He cited the network’s decision to fire its most popular host, Tucker Carlson, as a driving factor behind the split.

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“Since Tucker’s departure, I haven’t been on [Fox],” he said.

Kirk explained that some of his favorite Fox personalities, including Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfield, were barred from AmericaFest, an order that presumably came from the company’s notoriously controlling leadership.

“They’re not allowed to be here,” Kirk said.

In an interview with former Fox host Megyn Kelly back in May, Kirk also revealed that he rejected an offer to appear on the network after noticing that a producer had listed his gender pronouns in his email signature, an obvious sign that the company is sympathetic to transgender ideology.

Kirk pointed to a puff piece Fox aired in June 2022 about a couple who had “transitioned” their daughter at the age of 5.

“At some point, you gotta just say no, OK? I am not gonna put up with this,” Kirk told Kelly.

Kirk is far from the only conservative disillusioned with the Murdoch company, which has seen its popularity plummet among its traditional audience.

Following Fox’s decision to pay out $800 million to Dominion Voting Systems over a lawsuit concerning claims that Dominion had enabled widespread fraud in the 2020 election, the network is widely believed to be moving its coverage away from the populist sentiment of former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

Although Fox’s viewing figures still outpace those of its competitors, a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports in July found that just one-third of conservative voters trust the network above any other.

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