
Debate Coverage Explodes When Bloomberg Admits He Literally Bought House Seats for Dems


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared to just stop himself Tuesday from saying he “bought” the majority in the House of Representatives that Democrats gained in the 2018 midterms.

Bloomberg’s remarks came during the Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina.

In the 2018 midterm elections, Democrats gained 40 seats in the House to seize the majority from Republicans, who had controlled the chamber since 2011, NBC News reported.

“Let’s just go on the record, they talk about 40 Democrats, 21 of those were people that I spent $100 million to help elect,” Bloomberg said.

That number is accurate, according to The New York Times.

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The Times reported: “Overall spending by Mr. Bloomberg and his organizations in the 2018 elections topped $112 million, an amount that also includes donations to help Senate candidates and progressive organizations.”

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“All of the new Democrats that came in put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president,” Bloomberg said Tuesday.

Bloomberg then appeared to stop himself from saying he “bought” those seats.

“I bought — I, I got them,” the former NYC mayor said.

His comments garnered quite the reaction on Twitter:

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Bloomberg, a billionaire, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars self-funding his presidential campaign. He has also spent much of his fortune advocating for gun control and government action on climate change.

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Joe Setyon was a deputy managing editor for The Western Journal who had spent his entire professional career in editing and reporting. He previously worked in Washington, D.C., as an assistant editor/reporter for Reason magazine.
Joe Setyon was deputy managing editor for The Western Journal with several years of copy editing and reporting experience. He graduated with a degree in communication studies from Grove City College, where he served as managing editor of the student-run newspaper. Joe previously worked as an assistant editor/reporter for Reason magazine, a libertarian publication in Washington, D.C., where he covered politics and wrote about government waste and abuse.
Brooklyn, New York
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