
DeSantis Unveils Ultimate Florida License Plate - And Libs Are Completely Losing Their Minds


Another day, another empty outrage from the left.

Woke scolds have now found a way to get upset over a flag closely associated with the American founding and the Revolutionary War.

Florida has unveiled a new license plate featuring the Gadsden flag.

Gov. Ron DeSantis touted the new license plate in a July tweet.

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American revolutionary Christopher Gadsden designed the flag in 1775 for the newborn U.S. Navy, according to the Charleston Museum.

Gadsden took inspiration from pro-American imagery created by Benjamin Franklin, who was the first to use a rattlesnake to symbolize the 13 colonies.

The flag was intended to symbolize defiance of the British crown’s tyranny, and features a rattlesnake rising against a metaphorical treading boot.

A Wednesday hit piece from NPR sought to link the license plate and the Gadsden flag to “dangerous far-right extremist ideology.”

“The state can’t claim a lack of knowledge about what this image represents to most of the public,” said a representative of the Southern Poverty Law Center quoted by NPR.

The SPLC representative linked the flag to the Jan. 6, 2021, disturbance at the U.S. Capitol. The flag has been used for decades by libertarians and other critics of government overreach — far before the Capitol incursion.

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Six states already offered Gadsden flag-themed license plates in 2014, according to The Washington Post.

The license plate’s rollout received a negative reception from DeSantis’ partisan critics, who object to the revolutionary flag.

Pre-orders of the plate will benefit the Florida Veterans Foundation, according to Fox News.

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