
Dick Morris: Why Isn't Hillary Clinton Hauled Before Congress?


Why aren’t the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committees forcing Hillary Clinton to testify about the fraudulent anti-Donald Trump dossier that her campaign commissioned and paid for and her cronies recklessly peddled to the media and the FBI? We need to hear from Hillary — in public and under oath.


Because Hillary is the one person who knows all of the sordid details about the creation and dissemination of the devious document intended to humiliate Donald Trump and derail his election.

It was Hillary’s scheme — she owns it.

Let’s face it: The phony anti-Trump dossier was no less an attempt to intervene and improperly influence our presidential election than the Russian hacking.

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And Hillary was behind it — every single road leads to her.

Don’t fall for the phony Clinton line that Hillary didn’t know anything about the devious dossier until after it was published.

Anyone who has ever worked with Hillary knows that no money is spent — certainly not more than a million dollars — without her approval and oversight. She’s cheap. And she loves gossip and dirt, so this was right up her alley.

There’s no way she didn’t personally authorize it.

Do you think Hillary Clinton should testify before Congress?

The go-ahead would likely have been subtle, non-verbal. A simple cappo di tutti nod (like the one Maureen Down once ascribed to her) setting things in motion. Her black-ops chief, Sidney Blumenthal, would understand exactly what the nod meant — and act on it immediately, as he did.

And think about her claim that her campaign never published it before Election Day, so that it presumably couldn’t have been intended to influence the election.

The truth is that she and her sneaky operatives did everything they possibly could to get the dossier out before election dy.

Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and Blumenthal desperately worked to get the dossier into the mainstream press.

But not a single media outlet would touch the unverifiable document.

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From the beginning, this operation was Vintage Hillary. For more than 40 years, she’s relied on shady operatives and private investigators to dig up dirt to intimidate and smear anyone who gets in her way.

Twenty years ago, we named them Hillary’s “Secret Police.”

They’ re still on duty.

And Hillary’s chief Lieutenant and consigliere, Sidney Blumenthal, is the designated hitman who stealthily oversees her chicanery. Ask Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp. Even the iconic Caroline Kennedy found her personal life become public fodder when Secret Police Chief Blumenthal reportedly leaked that the former first daughter had an affair with The New York Times publisher Punch Sulzberger, derailing her bid to succeed Hillary in the Senate. Caroline’s sin? Backing Obama against Hillary in 2008.

The first public airing of the dossier came well after the election when BuzzFeed published the dossier in early January, 2017. Trump’s victory didn’t stop them.

For us, as veteran Hillary watchers, Blumenthal’s fingerprints were visible in the dossier.

Sidney’s portfolio in the House of Clinton has always been character assassination. That’s what he does. So his involvement was a natural.

Furthermore, the document was written with the same pseudo spook-talk used by Blumenthal in his bizarre emails to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And, finally, Sidney was uncharacteristically quiet, lying low.

It took a while for Sidney to be formally outed, but now we know that, as usual, he was at the command center of Hillary’s latest — and perhaps biggest cloak-and-dagger dirty trick. If he knew about it, she knew about it. Don’t ever doubt that.

If Hillary has to testify, she would not only have to tell us about the origin of the Steele dossier, she will have to tell us all why Blumenthal was peddling a supposed “second dossier,” allegedly created by another wacky long-time Clinton family gumshoe, Cody Shearer. Cody gave the document to a State Department crony Jonathon Winer, who actually met with dossier author Christopher Steele and passed on the fictitious dirt.

It’s all in the extended Clinton family.

Actually, we doubt that there ever was a “second dossier” — it was all just one big single Clinton hoodwink.

Hillary can also tell us who was paid — and how much, as well as where the “sources” came from. She can can elaborate on who else was in on the sham – like Clinton attorney Marc Elias, British Intelligence agents, the former Australian Foreign Minister and Obama FBI and top Justice Department officials who kept in touch with the dossier authors and provided material.

And what about David Brock? Was he involved? Blumenthal testified that he was paid $200,000 a year by Brock’s pro-Hillary entities. What was he paid for?

How about George Soros? Was he funding Fusion GPS – as Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska has recently claimed?

We know that Sidney’s pal Marc Elias (lawyer to the Clinton orbit, the DNC, Obama, David Brock and others) hired Fusion GPS and hid the Clinton campaign payments for the dossier by lumping them with the campaign’s legal fees.

(Several months before the deal was made, Sid and Marc co-hosted a book party for their good friend David Brock).

Elias lied to The New York Times about his connection to the dossier. But he was the one who received reports from Steele and passed them on.

Connect the dots.

Steele was hired in March 2016 and has admitted that he shared his “intelligence” with his former spooks in British intelligence.

The Brits were overly involved in tracking the movements of Trump associates way before anyone in the U.S. was even thinking about it. The Brits were terrified of Trump and his anti-NATO talk and began surveilling his associates. Later, we know they were talking to Steele and to the CIA and FBI.

Now we are supposed to believe the recent leaks that are supposed to refute the FBI and DOJ’s reliance on the dossier to support FISA warrants.

According to this story — leaked over a year after the dossier was published — it was not Steele, but an Australian diplomat who first alerted the FBI.

Alexander Downer, former Australian foreign minister and later ambassador to Britain, claims to be the one who first alerted the FBI.

Keep in mind two things: First, the U.K. mixes its diplomatic and intelligence personnel freely. Often, ambassadors are spies working under diplomatic cover. Downer had worked in Australia’s diplomatic service

Second, Downer had a special relationship with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

As foreign minister, he signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Foundation that resulted in a $25 million grant.

So, put him in the column of a Clinton supporter.

According to the leak to The New York Times, Downer met George Papadopolous, an informal Trump adviser, in a wine bar in London where he disclosed information he had purportedly learned from the Russians.

What a curious coincidence!

Are we supposed to believe that the Ambassador and the 29-year-old adviser just started chatting and the young adviser just decided to confide in a stranger that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton?

Kind of hard to believe.

What is easier to believe is that British intelligence was targeting Papadopolous and tracked him to the Kensington wine bar.

Enter Alexander Downer.

How the two began talking is not yet known. But Downer was likely on assignment.

Was Papadopolous fed intoxicating drinks or given drugs?

Anything is possible.

What’s not plausible is that even someone as naive as he Papadopoulos would volunteer the information to a stranger.

We need to know more about this.

So why isn’t Congress focusing on Hillary?

Why don’t they haul her to a public hearing?

One thing we know is that Hillary isn’t worried about a subpoena. That’s because she believes she’s untouchable.

After Ken Starr forced her to testify before the Grand Jury, I asked her what she would do if he indicted her.

“He wouldn’t dare,” she told me.

She earnestly — and arrogantly — believes that no one else would dare go after her either.

So it’s time for Congress to show her that she is no different than any other American. The fact that she was first lady, senator, secretary of state and the Democrat nominee for president is irrelevant.

We need to know what went on in creating the phony dossier. And Hillary knows all about it.

Think about it: A presidential candidate covertly paid a foreign ex-spook with ties to MI-6 and the FBI to come up with “intelligence” from Russian sources to bring down her opponent.

It’s time to find out all about it.

Bring her in and put her under oath and on camera.

If you agree, please sign this petition to haul Hillary before Congress.

Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
