
Dick Morris: We Said It Before, Now It's Proven - DOJ at Center of Dossier Conspiracy


In our book “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War Against Donald Trump,” published in August of 2017, my wife Eileen McGann and I wrote that the Steele dossier was likely the product of a conspiracy centered in the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

We wrote that ex-spy Christopher Steele had compiled the dossier before the 2016 election to try to frame Trump for colluding with Moscow to meddle in the contest.

We wrote that Steele frantically tried to get the dossier published the before the election and worked with the DOJ to do so.

And, we wrote that, after the election, the DOJ worked to leak the dossier and supporting phony news articles to bolster the fictitious account of collusion in the dossier.

Now it has all been proven to have been true.

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Newly released texts and email between Steele and the number four person at the Department of Justice — Bruce Ohr — reveal the full dimensions of the conspiracy.

Indeed, after James Comey, their front man, was fired as head of the FBI in June of 2017, Ohr wrote that Steele was “very concerned about Comey’s firing — afraid they will be exposed.”

The released email and texts show how closely Ohr and Steele collaborated during and after the election, communicating more than 60 times. Of course, during all this time, Nellie Ohr, Bruce’s wife, was employed by Fusion GPS, the company that produced the dossier in the first place.

This cozy nexus of the Ohrs, Steele, and Fusion — with Comey as the front man — sought to bring Trump down, even after he was elected by the American people.

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Then-FBI agent Peter Strozk, since fired, said that their phony revelations were “insurance” against a Trump victory.

The new material also highlighted the role of Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum oligarch who was denied a visa to enter the U.S. because of his links to organized crime.

Later, Deripaska’s troubles deepened when he was place on the sanctions list of people banned from entry into the U.S. as punishment for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It now turns out that Steele was hired by Deripaska to lobby on his behalf to get the restrictions on his entry lifted. Steele, by the way, did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the same crime for which Paul Manafort is now standing trial.

Steele, however, has never been prosecuted.

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But the real question is what was Steele’s relationship with Deripaska and what role did it play in the preparation and propagation of the dossier.

Bruce Ohr’s email and texts also indicate that Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, may have perjured himself before Congress when he said during a hearing that he had had no contact with Ohr before the presidential election. But FoxNews reports that “Ohr’s notes also indicate that in December 2016, there was a meeting in Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown between Fusion GPS’ Simpson and Ohr, with Ohr writing, “Glen(n) gave me a memory stick.”

Fortunately, we will learn more next week when House investigators question Ohr on the public record.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
