
Gina Carano Reveals What Carl Weathers Did After She Was Cancelled: 'That Is Who He Was'


Actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano recalled actor Carl Weathers as a rare breed of person who stood by a friend, even in hard times.

Weathers, who played Apollo Creed in the “Rocky” movie series, died Thursday at the age of 76.

Carano was a rising star in 2021 until she was fired by entertainment giant Disney in 2021 after complaints about her social media posts. One post likened attacking people for their political views to attacks by Nazis on Jews.

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In a post on social media platform X, Carano noted that when others avoided her, and she was booted from the streaming series “Mandalorian,” Weathers reached out.

“Hearing the news of Carl Weathers passing today is shocking, I’m going to struggle through these words,” she wrote. “I was so looking forward to giving Carl the biggest hug at one of these fan expos I heard we were both going to be at this year. I looked forward to that reunion.

“Carl called me directly after I was fired. I wasn’t in an emotional state where I could pick up the phone because of how upset I was, but we did end up speaking later on,” she wrote.

Are you a fan of Carl Weathers?

“He was gentle and encouraging and didn’t want me to give up, he was letting me know that he wasn’t throwing me away, he was trying to keep my hope alive in what seemed like quite hopeless scenario, he showed me he cared. That is who he was,” she wrote.

Carano was among the many who recalled Weathers fondly.

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“Carl was a mentor to me on set, he would put both his arms on my shoulders and look me directly in the eyes to calm my spirit. He had a wonderful perspective of telling a story that can only come through his experience and wisdom that he shared with me to help make me shine. I cherish those moments,” Carano wrote.

“I adored making him laugh, I always wanted to figure out how to make him smile, where the corner of his mouth would start to crack and I knew I had him, then out came his bellowing laugh. His laugh I can hear clearly now. His laugh that I will miss dearly. His big booming voice echoed throughout the stage and you just knew, this is what a movie star truly is,” she wrote.

Carno said whatever Weathers did, he did well.

“He obviously shined on screen but man did he light up with such passion in that directors chair. I’m going to miss my friend and mentor and that mischievous little sparkle in his eye. He was one of the greats and quite a ground breaker,” Carano wrote, adding, “Rest in peace my dear friend. As he would say #Bepeace my friend Be peace.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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